Friday 1 April 2011

Questions you wish you'd never asked!

Ha! I had to blog about this because it literally made me laugh out loud. I was sat at work and someone walked past. A colleague made a joke, saying to this person 'What do you think you're doing leaving at this time?'. You know when you wish you'd never asked? I think she had one of those moments. This guy just started rambling on about how his mother had diabeties and a cough and its taking it out of her so he's off to pick her up some medicine... on and on and on and on. I was sat chuckling to myself, as things like that amuse me. Whenever anyone asks me 'How are you?', or 'What's up?' - I reply with the standard 'Fine, thanks' and 'nothing, why?' - because I believe no one really wants to know. Sure, sometimes they do, but a normal person can tell when someone wants to listen to you rant. So what is it about some people when they think everyone wants to know their ultimitely dull business? I'll never understand! Over and out! Sam



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