Monday 4 April 2011

The Saga Continues....

Well! To say I'm stressed in an understatement. I am sat here in my boyfriends room - he asleep and me happily typing - and I am still stressing about Uni stuff. Basically, I have found out I should have been doing about 2 more courses this year. Which wasn't explained to me when I signed up! I was intending to get a degree in 3 years. And the website seemed to tell me that was possible if I followed a certain route. Took the suggested courses and that was that. But now it seems that I should have more 'points' for my first level. Which means I have to take 2 classes next year at level one stage, rather than progress to level to, thus rendering this year a sort of 'foundation' year. Not happy. Not only that, it seems the courses I need to dp next year don't start at the same time. One starts this November. That's fine. The other... well... it starts at the end of 2012. Erm... no thanks. I can't spread the first year over 3 years. But do they have other courses starting at the end of this year for year 1? No. So... basically they are making it impossible for me to get a degree in less than 4 or 5 years. I don't have time to waste my life doing that. This was supposed to be something that I did whilst working in a job from hell so I could get out of there and do something else with my life. But apparently the God's want me to suffer... WHY?! Humph. I'll figure it out and keep you posted, until then, i bid you all farewell! sam :)



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