Wednesday 27 April 2011

I've got a SPRING in my step...

And I'm full of bad jokes like that!

I went to get weighed last night, after Easter... and only put on half a pound, which is easy to lose plus more, so I am happy! Eating chocolate ALL week (and boy, did I ever eat chocolate) I thought I was going to put on a lot more, so thank Zeus I didn't!

As it's Spring and I'm all happy about the weather, I have been looking into buying some new trainers to take me on my jogging travels... but I don't know which ones to get. I like Acer trainers but I kind of like Nike too... so I have to try to decide what kind of investment I'm wanting to make! I also wanted to buy a new bike... but it's just one of those things that is beyond me... how in the world do you pick a bike? This is something that shouldn't be this hard to do, but it's proving difficult to say the least. Not that I can afford both a bike and new trainers, but still!

Shopping is something I don't tend to do a lot of, but when I buy I usually buy big! At the moment I have so many things I need to buy it's upsetting to think of my money going kaput! But needs must!

Anywho, without further ado. Spring is here:


Unknown said...

Ah buying bikes. that's tough. I bought one last year so I would you know, ride it, but I haven't :/ I'm SO lazy! I really need to stop.
You should go with Nike bc well, Nike is the goddess of victory haha

As for the lovely comment you left on my "What I Wore" post, thanks! I shall try to post some more of those (hence the #1 bit). I had been wanting to do those posts for awhile, but yeah...procrastinate procastinate.


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