Wednesday 20 April 2011

Let's do it outside!

As the title suggests, this post is about doing it... outside. NO! Not like that, you dirty pervert! Jeez, this is a family show! No, what I'm talking about is doing things you would normally do inside, outside. Which means, yes, I suppose you could count that first thing you thought about. But I won't. You know why? Because I'm a god damn lady!

You see, I was trying to think of something to blog about this afternoon, as I was walking into the next town in the swealtering heat, and still as I was eating sushi, and even as I was painting a room with my dad. Thinking of each activity in turn, and contemplating using one of those thrilling subjects as the shining star in my blog. A blog about walking in the sun? meh. Not really exciting. Even if it does feature me, pale as a pale thing, exposed to the sun and all the dangers that could entail. Then I thought about blogging about sushi, because I love it so. But, what's cool about raw fish? NU-THING! So no. And then I thought the only thing more fun than watching paint dry (which you can do here: is reading a blog about a girl who was just painting. Again. No thank you!

And then, my dad handed me the best idea for a blog ever. after hearing a strange buzzing sound, he walked into the back garden wondering what was going on. He returned and said "she's cutting his hair". Referring to our neighbours. I laughed at this and a million (ok, not a million) hilariously similar situations popped into my head. So here is it.


*Cut someones hair (apparenlty)
*Teach a class of children (because they are so much more attentive when faced with the entire world!)
*Cook (when your kitchen is several steps away and you want to get food poisoning)
*work out (when you normally hide in the gym because you don't want people to see you sweat)
*Eat (because sitting outdoors makes your food taste better!)
*Sit in the park at night (when normally you'd be running the risk of being stabbed)
*Play guitar in your garden (because you're sure your neighbours want to hear how much you can't play!)
*conduct a job interview (Because nothing says 'professional' when your oiled up and soaking in those rays!)

These are just a few I thought of on the spot. Please let me know if I have missed any. And just for clarification, these are all things I think aren't really nessesary to do outside. This isn't me lovin on summer, this is me hatin' on people's oversharing of normal activities! :P




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