Monday 26 November 2012

Busy Bee!

Yes, I have been busy the past few months (and not busty, as I just typed by mistake... sadly). Writing a novel in 30 days is tough when one is also working full time and trying to write essays for her uni course. It's actually really tough, and I probably would have thought twice if I had known how much work I was getting myself in for when I started this whole shebang. I'm glad I'm doing it because I've wanted to have a crack at this story for a while now - in a few more days the 50000 will be written. And then I'll try to blitz the next 20k as that's how many I'll expect to write to finish this one. And then I'm taking a break.

I'm really keen to start working on music with a friend. We've always wanted to write and play together for fun and I think we're finally going to try to make it happen. We'll see. Trying not to get bogged down with stuff, you know? I feel really bad that I'm neglecting blogging and even just reading blogs. I haven't read a blog in about 3 weeks, which is terrible for me, but what can you do?

I'll post more things on here soon because I do actually have posts all lined up to go. One of them will be called 'things YouTube taught me' and I think it will actually be a pretty good post - so watch this space!

I hope everyone is well!


Wednesday 31 October 2012

Writing time is here again!

Just when I finish my 2nd essay in 2 weeks and think I'm going to have a nice relaxing month, I remember that tomorrow is November, and if you know me... and read any of my posts from the past year.... you'll know that can only mean one thing. NaNoWriMo is upon us again.

Last year I won and completed a 50000 word novel in a month - a story I love so much I'm still working on in hopes that one day, when I've tweaked it enough I'll somehow be able to convince an agent and publisher to help me get it out there! This year I've decided (literally, just now) that tomorrow I'm going to start working on a sci-fi I'd originally intended to write as a screen play for a short film. I kind of like the idea so much, and it's already played out in my head AND I've kind of planned and plotted most of it (always a bonus when writing), that I have decided I might as well give it a whirl and try it out as a novel.

Now, I did have many ideas to chose from, as I don't really lack in writing material, but I've never fully committed to a sci-fi before, despite my love of them - and this is kind of a sci-fi, young adult, romantic kind of thing, but I think it will be fun. You can see the synopsis here if you wish!

The only problem will be fitting it into my life. I'm still trying to read Little Women, which is my uni work for this week and next week, so hopefully I can get everything done, as I don't want to fall behind in any of my work, so fingers crossed! Wish me luck, and if you are doing it good luck to you!

If you aren't doing it - why not give it a go? Writing a bit every day is actually really great for getting the creative juices flowing and even if you produce utter crap (like I'm sure I do), who cares? You will have at least managed to write a novel length piece of work - 1 to cross off the bucket list!


Thursday 25 October 2012

New years resolutions

So I re-read an old post from the start of last year which included some new years resolutions. I just thought it would be fun to see how I was getting on with them... here are the results

Start writing something. A book... anything.

CHECK - Book written, being edited and 2nd book getting started next week.

Write letters to friends. With a pen. And post them!

Not done, but there is always the intention to do it...

*Read more!

Um, done - read almost 50 books this year!

*Watch more films!

Probably could watch MORE films, but it's been a book year this year. Maybe film year NEXT year?

*Lose about 2 stone in weight and generally start exercising again!

DONE, and some. Lost 3 stone and keeping it off. Exercises kind of regularly and I'm kind of running now.

*Try to make people happier

Not sure if I managed this... still trying. 

*Stop stressing, and chill out more.

Definitely failing in this. But I'm working on it still!

*Blog less, but with better content.

Definitely failing at THIS, but oh well :P

*Get a new job.

Not done, BUT... well, see below!

*Figure out what I'm doing with my life... as per usual.

DONE. I decided to bite the bullet and just attempt to be a writer. It's kind of all I wanted to do for a long time and now it's a reality. I write. I'm not published, but that's the next stage.

*Bake more.

I would like to bake more, but then I eat all the cakes!

*Draw more.

My doodles are coming along well! haha, but I'm not drawing anything of importance. I'd like to do this more but things like this have gone on the backburner. I'll post about why at some point in the near future!

*Do more make up artist work.

I don't do this... I do spend more time on MY OWN makeup, but this is also on the backburner right now. Again, all will be explained in future posts!

Well, future ramblings will ensure shortly, after this commercial break.....

Wednesday 24 October 2012

The obligatory procrastination blog

I am writing my first essay of the year. It's only 2000 words and I'm... struggling. To say the least. The subject is children's literature and the question is Is there a clear divide between books for children and books for adults and I have no problem answering this question, and yet, when I'm trying to write it down it makes little to no sense. I've been working on it all day and all of yesterday and it's due in tomorrow and I'm just not getting anywhere.
So what do you do when you can't write an essay? You write a blog post.

At the moment my house is a mess. I live at home with my ma and pa and they are on holiday and I hate that when this happens I realise how much my mum actually does around here. I also hate that it really emphasises my undeniable usage of pretty much every plate, bowl and cup in the house. The kitchen is like a bomb site... I really need to get in there and clean but I just can't bring myself to do it. I've also not been feeling great this week because someone at work gave me a cold - I don't often get colds and I've been kind of OK but my tonsils always take a beating when I'm run down so I'm trying to NOT get tonsillitis... it's going ok but there are some suspect ulcer looking things at the back of my throat which I'm choosing to believe are NOT infected with anything other than regular cold germs. Sorry for that gross image!

So, my essay... I'll get back to it in a second. I'm just trying to figure out how to segway into my next paragraph. I always find that difficult, does anyone else? Just me? Humph.


Sunday 21 October 2012

TV or not TV... a post dedicated to the art of TV shows.

As an avid TV show watcher, I find it really hard these days to actually watch shows on TV. I am so impatient - I hate waiting for episodes week after week and so I've become addicted to 'the box set' and 'the downloads'. I don't like illegally downloading TV shows, but if I've missed an episode of something that's just been on TV, or else only been shown in the States and not yet available for the UK, then I'm downloading. I can do this without feeling like I'm stealing because... well... I know I'll be buying the box set as soon as it comes out over here. I'm a box set addict and I'm not afraid to say it. I have so many TV shows on my shelf and YES, I do rewatch them. I love rewatching!

At the moment I'm working my way through Roswell, with my boyfriend (as he'd never seen it before) - if you've not seen it, it's a teen drama from 1999 (originally called Roswell High) set in Roswell, New Mexico and it's about... aliens. Teen aliens, to be exact. There's teen romance, drama and many awkward and tense moments involving humans and aliens alike. It's a classic, and was only 3 season's but it was one of those ones where they knew they only had 3 seasons so it ended really well. I would highly recommend if you like things like Buffy and anything set in highschool!

I'm also watching the following:
New Girl! I'm sure you've heard of it. I downloaded it when it started in the US (couldn't wait for the UK to pick it up) and now I'm truly hooked I am downloading each episode as it airs. Probably one of the only things I would wait a week for because I love sitcoms and this is a fantastic mix of humour and cute people! It's so clever in it's comedy and I actually laugh out loud at every episode. I can't wait for the box sets to be available as it will make it easier to re-watch the episodes... over... and over again.

Teen Wolf. Yes. As in, based on the 80's movie(s). And... yes, it's kind of crap, but that's what keeps me coming back to it. This is another one I download (but WILL be buying the boxsets of) and I love getting a few episodes at once and having a little marathon of teen angst mixed with supernatural drama. It's actually very well done, once you get past the cheesiness of it. Some of the actors are fantastic and once you get to season 2 you will well and truly not care that the main guy isn't really the best actor in the world.

The Vampire Diaries. I watched the first season before I picked up the books. I blitzed the books because they are amazing and now I'm so hooked on the show it's insane. It's just started on season 3 in the UK and this is another where I've actually been suckered into waiting a week for each episode. Previously I would NOT watch it on TV and get the boxsets so I could watch 3 or 4 episodes in one sitting. It's great. The plot twists are always captivating and the cast are so ridiculously good looking that I've actually had to admit that I'm in love with the main girl in it. She is so stupidly beautiful that I kind of hate her at the same time. GAH. But I am all over vampire Tv shows and anything supernatural so this really hits the spot for me.

Nashville. I only just downloaded the first episode last night and watched it with a constant smile on my face. It's a TV show about country music stars which is right up my alley. I love music, musicals and especially country music. I know when this comes out in the UK they will advertise it as 'The New Glee', but it's not, so don't worry. I loved Glee at first but it got irritating. I can't see going the same way. It's about an older country singer whose career is kind of dwindling and family life is getting difficult and she's pit against this new little country singer with a bad attitude and very loose morals and it is so far (all 1 episode in) very promising. Also, the main character has 2 kids who are 2 singers I watch on Youtube, which is pretty amazing. They are something like 8 and 13 years old and they are amazing singers. Check them out as well HERE.

And here is what I'm really looking forward to getting into:

Game of Thrones. I waited a long time to watch this, because I hate it when everyone is going on about a TV show, it means I can't enjoy it as much because of all the hype (yes, I'm one of those people.. I just can't help it). So I left it a long time, but my Dad loves it so I said I'd watch it with him. I watched 2 episodes and loved it so this week I'm going to blitz season 1 (as I have a week off so going to catch up on TV shows and computer games!).

American Horror Story; Asylum. Season 1 of this series was so good that I'm deadly excited about watching the new series. I'll have to download it as I don't have the channel it's being shown on (FX, for this interested) and I'm utterly just... I don't know how to explain my joy that it's back for a second series, with a new venue (last year it was a haunted house, this year it's an insane asylum) and a new cast mixed in with some of the old cast apparently playing different characters. I think it's such a clever concept! If you like horror and swearing and, well, sex stuff, then this is for you because it's got it all!

There are some other Tv shows I'm kind of in the middle of watching (Big Love, Boardwalk Empire) but I'm not totally hooked like I am with the others. I kind of just watch them when I have nothing else to keep me entertained!

Do you have anything to recommend watching? I love TV shows so much so finding new ones that can keep me interested is high on my list of things to do!


Wednesday 17 October 2012

Trust me, it's cheaper on the Internet.

I am one of those people who shops on the internet a lot. I have talked about this before. I LOVE the Internet, but I feel bad that I could possibly be doing damage to shops by not going to buy products from them.

However, today I realised that maybe they don't want me to shop in them. I bought a laptop a few years ago and was happy to find the price in the shop was cheaper than on the website... apparently this isn't something that most shops do!

My parents went to buy a tumble dryer this weekend. They saw a price on a website and went in store to buy the product. The dryer was more expensive in the shop and when they asked if the shop would match the internet price they said no. No they wouldn't match the price of their own product. I find this insane.

Later that weekend my mum went to the post office to change some money. She'd looked at the exchange rate on their website but it was more expensive to change the money in the actual post office. They wouldn't match their internet price.

Again, when my parents went to actually book their holiday the website price was cheaper, and the agents they used said they couldn't match their internet price.

What is this mentality? The internet is cheaper, yes, we know... but WHY would a shop NOT match their very own internet price? It seems like backwards business to me!

The mind boggles!

Sunday 7 October 2012


NaNoWriMo is currently fast approaching and with it only being my second year I'm both excited to write another novel (still working on the first so this should be... interesting) and scared.

This year I'm working full time, doing 2 modules for Uni in my 'spare' time and trying to work on my first novel all whilst trying to maintain a relationship and friendships... and now I'm going to throw in working on a new novel (which I've not even begun to think about/ plan) just to make things interesting. I hope I don't buckle under the pressure. I like being busy; hate having nothing to do. This should work out, right?

Have you ever written a novel, or ever thought about something you'd like to write but never have? My mum always harps on about a book she came up with when she was 16, she had a title and everything, but she never wrote it (My mum is full of random pointless stories like that, she also will tell you how old anyone who died would be now... as though it's something people care to know...mothers!). I have always wanted to write books but was scared I'd fail, or I wouldn't be able to think of anything to write about. Fast forward to my late twenties and I'm finishing up my first, about to start on a second and have a LOT of ideas for more... Yeah, I'm not published yet, and it may take me a while, but I'm determined to succeed, it's my dream job, and if other people can do it, why can't I?

Saturday 6 October 2012


Another post for girls... kind of.

Sometimes you just need to give yourself a boost of Va-Va-Voom... am I right?

Today I woke up and thought You know what? I'm going to make an effort!
I'm not doing anything other than going shopping and then going out for a coffee, but I spent probably an hour doing my hair and makeup just for such a non-important day. I'm not going out at night, I'm just watching a movie with my family and boyfriend, but I just thought... Why shouldn't I try to be glamorous, just for myself.

I am so lazy when it comes to fashion, looking good and generally making an effort. In my head I am a glamourpuss. I love fashion, I even have a fashion related blog on Tumblr, and I love makeup... hello... makeup artist! But, I never use these feel-good things in my day to day life. I go to work in my regular clothes as we don't have office wear. I just throw on jeans and a top and trainers and sometimes I put on a bit more makeup than usual but my hair is always thrown into a boring pony tail. I hate that I look so casual all the time. I want to make more of an effort just for me, because I do feel more attractive and confident when I've thought of how I want to look in the day and I've achieved said look. It's a state of mind, isn't it? Putting your face on, well in my case anyway, is a direct show to the world of what mood I'm in.
If I wake up in a grumpy down mood and feel like a destroyer of things (I often feel like a destroyer of things, like I could just walk into work and rip all the computers off the desks... pent up rage?) I wear a lot of black eyeliner and probably some sort of dark top. When I'm feeling girly and cute I will do a flick of eyeliner and try to wear something a little bit lighter and whatnot. I don't think anyone notices these outward expressions of my emotions but I do, so I think trying to make an effort to feel good might actually work in a backwards way.

If instead of letting my mood influence what I wear and look like, I let what I wear and look like influence my mood, surely I'm onto a good thing?

Right? Does anyone else do this or just me? Do guys do this?!

Buying Jeans and other girly things...

I'm taking a trip into the shops today to reluctantly buy some jeans. I know which jeans I want, because I'm a dedicated Oasis Jeans fan but jeans are really an age old women's problem. Everyone goes on about it and I'm so thankful I have 'my' brand, which I know normally does me proud. Until recently that is, when they changed the style of my most favourite ones ever (scarlett jeans) and they added a SECOND button, meaning they take a nanosecond longer to do up (but that's a nanosecond too long when you desperately need to take them off.....) but it also makes them a slightly different fit and I just hate them.

I switched to Tesco jeans a while ago because they do coloured denims for such low prices that it would be a crime not to buy them. They fit great (except their black 'skinnies' which just hang off me, and I'm not a 'skinny' gal!) and they are such good colours that don't fade too much when washed (on the odd occasion I wash them. What? Jeans are not supposed to be washed if you can help it!).

Here comes the massive BUT... (not my butt, although...), you just can't compare cheap jeans to more expensive jeans. There is a difference. And I hate that there is, but there is. So here I go, off to spend around £50 on a pair of good dark blue denim jeans. I know it will be a good investment but I hate parting with that much money on a pair of trousers. I'm opting for Oasis Cherry these days as they only have ONE button and they are a slimmer fit that Scarlett so I'll let you know how I get on.

Do you have any jeans you swear by?

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Just rub my tummy like a genie's lamp

Yes. This blog title seems somewhat rude... I don't know how but it seems rather suggestive. It's not supposed to be, I swear!

As I mentioned in a previous blog, my poorly tummy has been giving me a hard time as of late. The best day was probably last Friday when I didn't get to sleep until... wait for it... 7 in the morning. I then woke up again at 12 and then had to sleep the majority of the day (the only sunny day in the past 10 or so, no less) just to recoup my hours. Not good. It's starting to really irk me. I don't like to be irked. I also don't like having something wrong with me.

I'm one of those people who prides themselves on not ever having been to hospital. I've never broken anything, I've never even had a filling at the dentist. Probably because I don't go enough to be told I need them. Same with the hospital actually... I probably should have gone to hospital many a time in my life; when blood is pouring out of some horror-movie-worthy wound you normally do go to hospital. But not me. I just bandage it up and carry on as normal! So on Friday night I was actually considering going to hospital. That is how bad the pain is.

Not to worry though gentle viewers, I do have a doctors appointment on Thursday, but I'm kind of scared of going. Not because I'm scared of doctors. But... well... I've already been dismissed once about this problem and I'm kind of hesitant about going because I don't want to get dismissed again. I want to explain the symptoms and be told exactly what it is and how to treat it. But I know I'll be trying to explain the pain and I won't be doing a good job, so here is the pickle. Do I dramatise it? When it happens it is the most gut wrenching, life hating pain I've ever experienced (you know life hating pain. When you hurt so bad you hate life and just want to not be a person any more), but it's hard to really tell someone that without sounding dramatic. But I should just be dramatic... shouldn't I? I know I'll get in there and I'll downplay it. I must force myself not to.

Hmmm. If I get told I just need to eat handfuls of Rennie's again I'll scream. I promise I will!

So, I'll keep you posted on my well being and I'll also try to come up with actual topics for these blogs. I'm losing my touch, I know I am! Apologies!


ps. I feel I should always add a writing update to my blogs because it at least forces me to keep it out in the open and not bottle it away. Chapter one is basically done re-write wise. I'm currently re-working chapter 3... 2 is 'done' but I'm sure I'll be tweaking...

Monday 17 September 2012

Books and biceps and Brrrr....

How fast has the temperature dropped of late? I'm not complaining. Those who have been around this blog for over a year will probably be well acquainted with my love for autumn and that little known event that follows after the leaves fall and everything is all eerie at night and spooky... Yep. Halloween. But, it's FAR too early to blog about my most favourite time of the year so let's move on past that for now and I'll revisit in a few weeks!

Back to the weather. I love it. Sunny mornings (mostly) and brisk air. I love the random rainstorms one minute and the glorious evenings the next minute. Is anyone else as in love with UK weather as me?! I love the randomness of it all!

Speaking of it being September I must bring up the hot topic of the month. School. Ah, back to school! This year I'm doing my 3rd year (but not final, it's a long story) - 2 courses towards my degree. One is Children's Literature, the other is Advanced Creative Writing. I'm looking forward to them both but I'm also nervous. Not of the work itself, but the fact that I'm working FULL TIME as well as doing them. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I worry for my (already almost none existent) social life. Bah. I'll figure it out. I have almost all my books now I think after a hefty spend on Amazon (well, I had vouchers, and I did get most of them from independent sellers to offset my book killing ways) - so far the stack looks like this:

Some good books in there - note, the actual children's picture books. I look at them and think they will be easy peasy, but then... I highly doubt it. Writing for children is notoriously hard so we'll see how it goes!

Moving onto other things, I recently purchased the Davina McCall work out DVD. Jeez, it's tough. I heard it was tough, but I didn't believe it would be too hard. I can honestly say that when putting my all into it I come out aching, but that's a good thing! It is... Soon I will be buff as anything. But not really. I'll try though!

I don't have much else to report. Recently been suffering for mild to severe stomach pains and think I might have some sort of ulcer or something so I'll be going to the doctors for some forced testing. I went last year and they told me I just needed to take those chalky tablets for indigestion. I told them then it wasn't indigestion and a year later I'm going back to tell them again. Ah, the joys of GP's offices!


ps. On a fun note I'm on something like book 37 or 38 of the year! Follow my progress on Goodreads if  you're interested in learning the names of teen fiction books! :P

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Ahead of schedule

Yes! I've finally finished re-writes on The Novel. Not the final redrafting or anything, but possibly the middle stage. Thank the Heavens! I didn't think I was going to make it before the end of the month!

Well, that's all for now because I now have a million and one things to do before I go to bed now! Always busy!


Saturday 25 August 2012

Progress for Progress's sake

I set myself a challenge - finish this set of re-writes on The Novel by the end of the month. When I set myself this challenge I had only done re-writes on 2 chapters. I have since made excellent progress. I downloaded a program called Scrivner - I meant to download it last year but put it off. Recently someone I follow on Twitter was raving about it so I decided to give it a go. Well, it's now enabled me to re-write 5 more chapters with such ease I am embarrassed I didn't download it sooner.

If you're a writer I would recommend. It's great for writing novels, any kind of manuscript really, and it has a nifty 'script writing' setting for any budding script writer (which I kind of am and will be studying at some point in the next year of my degree).

I just wanted to share this joyous discovery with you guys because I know a lot of my followers are writing comrades ;)

Also, on a writing note - my local Starbucks is where I like to do some of my writing. The manager, who is also a writer, has informed me of a short story competition run by Costa coffee. Now I know they have their Costa Awards thing, and they pick great books, but this is a really great opportunity for unpublished authors to get their writing into the world. It closes on the 7th september, so not much time to write a 4000 short story, but if you're interested you should check it out HERE.

I don't know if I will have time to enter (plus, short stories are not my forte, I am not that skilled at story telling) but if you write you should definitely check it out!


Tuesday 21 August 2012

loving/hating Amazon

Because it's so cheap and easy, but sometimes I feel like I'm stealing. Like I'm putting people out of business because this mega internet company undercuts everyone else and it's like school yard bullying.

I mean, I still buy from Amazon, but I wish I could stop...

That is all! :)


Monday 20 August 2012

Ways to be grown up

Well, I'm not really going to tell you ways to be grown up. There aren't any, are there? But I do feel grown up, having just got home from work, make a loaf of bread from scratch and soup from scratch to boot.

I like trying to be domestic (cooking, I don't clean!) and it makes me feel like I have accomplished something when I manage to not entirely fail at my aims. Cooking is like that for me. Writing will be like that for me if I ever actually manage to sort myself out.

I don't often like blogging on here about writing, feeling it should be put somewhere else, but hey! This is my blog and I think I should talk about it anywhere I so choose :P

I have been implementing re-writes to my manuscript and plan on getting them done by the end of the month... up to chapter 3 so far and only 15 or so more chapters to work through... but I will do it. I like setting myself deadlines because then I actually do stuff, but gosh it's hard to actually fit it all in!

How do you plan things and fit everything in? Suggestions would be appreciated!


Friday 10 August 2012

Reason's why I'm NOT a Scientologist.

Well, I suppose I don't need a reason... but anyway. I really wanted to blog about Scientology because I have been reading up on it and, although I don't like to bash 'religions', I just can't get on board with it in the slightest.

I don't like preachy rants (although sometimes I just can't help myself) and everyone is allowed to believe in whatever they want. I honestly do think that. But... I mean... have you ever read about what Scientology really is? Apart from the fact that it was created by a guy who used to write science fiction and was quoted to have said you'd make more money by setting up your own religion it's just plain bananas!

Scientology teaches that all people are immortal.. no, that's the wrong choice of words. I suppose you could say we have immortal souls which drift from body to body as we die - you know, like reincarnation. And it's the scientologists job to learn their true nature. They go through this kind of therapy once they reach a certain stage in the religion called 'auditing' where they are hooked up to a machine and encouraged to remember and relive past experiences which were traumatic or particularly painful -  this is supposed to have the effect of freeing themselves of the effects of the past trauma. A purge of the soul, if you will.

Due to this believing all of their followers are old souls constantly being recycled in order to ascertain their true nature, to gain enlightenment, they believe that children should be treated as adults because they are spiritually experienced in mind if not in body (yet)...

I guess it's kind of poetic and spiritual in a way, like most religions are -when you look at the core elements of any religion the main purpose is to offer security and give people faith that there is a greater power etc. And I like the fact that they are trying to understand their purpose. We all are... why they think they can actually achieve it is beyond me. I mean, isn't the not knowing why we're here part of the fun? Once you know, what do you have left? Just life? Bo-ring. I want some mystery, I want to strive to not understand anything because I have a feeling if anyone did understand the universe they'd realise it's just a load of atoms and quarks making whoopie and they'd die of dissapointment.

Wait... I lost my train of thought... oh right. People say it's a cult. And yes. It does seem that way - if you read up on it (I have read quite a bit, but I'm not going to regurgitate it on here) there are some troubling facts that just don't sit right with me. Not only where the religion stemmed from, but the extremes to which people take it. Like many things in this world extremists ruin what should be good in the world and it really makes me sad.

I don't follow any one religion; people always frown at me when I talk about religion because of this; but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate it and it doesn't mean I don't find it really interesting. I love religion and what it does for people but can you really call Scientology a religion just because it has millions of 'followers'... Kim Kardashian has millions of followers on Twitter, but she's not a religious icon. She probably could be, then she could claim tax exemption and never have to pay for anything again... wait a second. Maybe this guy had it right all along... start your own religion... now there's an idea....

Peace out, homies!

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Kill the Bat Man

Yes. I have seen Batman... twice. What? I like batman films, Ok?

What I'm really doing here is procrastinating because I have to go for a run and I don't wanna. But I will because I told my boyfriend I was going to be a superhero and now I have to train. My tactics will be avoidance- based. I don't want to fight people, so I'm going to build up my running and my upper body strength so if faced with a criminal I can hit them really hard - hopefully slowing them down - and then I'll outrun them.

I'll probably be called something like Bed Bug, because they get you, but you can never find the damn things to get them back! Holllaaaaaa!

IN other news, yes I did like Batman. A lot. I love Uncle Alfred (I always call him that ever since Alecia Silverstone squealed it in her incredibly indecent catholic school uniform), he was the best. He can literally make me cry with just a look! And I loved Bane... there's actually more to that than then film though as I had a dream about Tom Hardy and we were madly in love and when I woke up I've loved him ever since. listen to me. I say this like it's been on going for ever. This was last week. But it's ok, because my boyfriend said if I was going to leave him for anyone it would be ok for it to be Tom Hardy because he's amazing. Yes... if anyone knows Mr. Hardy please send him my way. Look, I'm just saying that we really hit it off in my dream and he even tried to save me from drowning.... it was a strange dream.

I've done a good enough job at putting off the inevitable and this blog has turned into something I didn't expect. Here's a picture of Bane for you to shake in your boots at. I honestly thought he was terrifying in that film. Why is he so big and strong? (I don't know, but my eyes aren't complaining).

If he ever needs another hostage... well... no, Sam, you've taken this too far now. Pervert. 

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Announcements and what not!

Well, not announcements per say, but kind of... I'm tired so I don't really know what words are spilling from my fingertips right now.

Oh yeah, that was it... sorry, just got really distracted by how much the veins in my hands/fingers are sticking out. They don't usually, so I'm taking it as a sign of needing to sleep :P

I passed my 2nd year of uni! Woohoo! actually passed my exam - got about 61% I think, which for me is a freaking miracle because I just don't do well in exams. So I'll take it! In my final creative writing thing I got a 69, which sucks being 1 point off a 70, but oh well. I'll take what I can get at this point.

Feeling quite proud of myself really so thought I'd share. I've not been up to THAT much recently and blogging hasn't seemed nessesary. Which isn't the point of a blog, I know, but sometimes I feel like if I have nothing to report it's pointless and no one will want to read it! I have redecorated my room and it's finally ALL done, apart from my needing to now clean it all up and actually put things away rather than live with boxes of stuff all around me. Which I don't mind, but apparently it's driving other people crazy. Bah. So I'll tidy up soon and post pictures. I'm quite proud, as I did about 90% of the work myself; wallpapering and putting furniture together. I find it quite enjoyable so it's nice.

In other unrelated news I have had a move around at work and I'm now... drum roll.... full time. Again. Urgh. I want the money but I can't tell you how tired I am just from working 3 days in a row. You forget how hard it is using your brain for that long a time without a break, and 2 day weekends are a killer, but it's a nessessary evil I know. It will all pay off as I'll be able to save up enough money to keep me going whilst I try to carve out some sort of writing career. I've finished the rewrites in my novel so I've just got to implement them on my computer, then re-read the whole thing again and then I think I'm heading for a bit of restructuring and more re-writes, but on a whole I think I'm on the right track. I enjoy it, so that's the main thing I suppose!

I would blog about the Olympics but I'm not really that into them. I like the gymnastics but other than that I don't watch The Sports. Sorry! :P Hope everyone is enjoying them though!

I'll be back with random blogs I'm sure. I need to get back into the swing of putting pictures and what not in here to make it more visually exciting...



Tuesday 10 July 2012

spiderman, spiderman.

Hello world!
So, I went to see 2 films yesterday at my local cinemaaaar. What were those two films? I hear you ask. Well. Hold on, damn it. You're so impatient.

The first one was... Katy Perry: 3D. Don't judge. Look, I pay a set price every month for the cinema so I can go as many times as I want and yes, OK, there is no glossing over the fact that I did indeed choose to watch this film. But... I love Katy Perry! Her songs are the best pop songs in the history of pop. Kind of. Anyway, all you need to know is I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was quite sad when her and Russell broke up, but you know what, she deserves better. There, I said it. Yes, I am too emotionally involved in her life. Whatever!

The 2nd film I watched yesterday was The Amazing Spiderman (aka Spiderman. They named it 'The Amazing' as they wanted to A. distance it from the Toby Maguire series, and 2. because they wanted to make people aware that they have actually chosen to go down the route of the alternate story. More on this later). I really enjoyed it. I like the 'original', if you can call it that, but this one was fun and I liked the alternative story of how he got the spider bite, and who his parents were (are??) and I liked that his girlfriend was the quirky Gwen Stacey rather than plain old Mary-Jane ( aka 'MJ', ergh). I liked the way his abilities were more spider-like and I liked that he didn't have organic web. Yes, that is the main difference with this series really - in one version of the comic books Spidey has the organic web we are so aware of. You know, his 'thwip-thwip' pressing of the palm with his fingers spiderwebbing that he shoots around the place. In this one he has created this webbing himself. Kind of. And it's a good story and all works well together. Down points, if I could call them that, is that it's not THAT much different from the other Spiderman film looks wise. The effects are better but only just and some of the cinematography is really similar. I know, that's picky because it's set in NY, so what else are they going to show, but I just mean the actually 'look' of it is, well, I guess Marvel have a specific vision so I should just shut up. I loved the score, but it too had a certain tone and melody that tied it in with the other films. Maybe it was done on purpose. I'll never know... unless I google it. Which I won't.

I recommend both of these films, by the way. I do!

Right, I should really be DIY-ing, but I have sores on my hands from screwdrivering! Humph!


Saturday 30 June 2012

End of June?

Where did this month go? It feels like only yesterday I was frolicking, rejoicing in my birthday bubble, but now it's almost July! Golly Gosh! (haha, "golly gosh", I am definitely bringing that one back!).

I feel bad for once again falling behind in my blogger subscriptions, because, you know, I actually love reading peoples blogs. It's kind of an addiction. But of late I've been very naughty in just not doing it.

I have been de-stressing after my exam, and then my sister had moved into her own place with her boyfriend, so I've been helping her decorate. Here's a fun fact about me. I love to paint rooms. I'm the only person I know who loves to paint and decorate. Everyone seems to find it boring...? I don't know why - it's physical and you can listen to music and dance and sing whilst you do it. It's probably one of the best things in the world. I think I could do it for a living - except I won't because I have other dreams/aspirations going on at the moment. But maybe if I never make it and never get published I'll do it! Look out world, I'm going to badly paint ALL of your rooms!

So, the excitement of my sisters new house was gazumped by the excitement of her also getting engaged - a very eventful month for her indeed. For me, her moving out means I get my own room. Yes. At 27 I finally get to have my own room. I do miss my younger sisters company (it's only been one night, but she's moved into the room next door), because we literally talk ALL the time. But getting a double bed and finally having the room to put all my things away; get all my books onto big bookshelves and just generally get privacy. With 3 siblings privacy is very hard to come by around here. I know what you're thinking. If you want privacy move out, but alas, life aint that simple kids!

In other news I have just spent a good sum of money paying for my next years Uni courses. I have Children's Literature lined up, as well as Advanced Creative Writing. These will be good things, I can feel it.

I'll keep you posted on the redecoration of my room because I'll no doubt be very excited once all my new furniture arrives and I'll have to tell the world (pst... that means YOU!)


Monday 18 June 2012

Summer Holidays!

I did it - the exam is over! Yes!!! I was going to blog about it last week but my brain has literally taken days to recover from the increased usage. It wasn't as bad as I thought, though, I keep telling people I think I did my best etc. Because I did do my best; I wrote everything I knew. I didn't forget anything I don't think. But I am one of those superstitious people and now I think I've kind of jinxed myself because I've been telling people I think I did OK, so I'll probably now fail and look like an ass.

Bah! Oh well. What can I do about it now, eh? Nothing!

So, now that exam is out of the way my 'summer holidays' have officially started. Kind of. Because I still have to go to work and I have had to ask for full time work again so I can get some money together. Humph. Hoping they take their time deciding if they will let me because then I can bask in this thing called 'spare time' and pursue what I think is called 'leisure activities'. I am starting to learn French today (my self-taught lessons will begin in the next hour or so) and I'm looking forward to getting edits and rewrites done of my novel. I'm also really looking forward to practising playing my guitar because I never have time any more so that's a bonus! Also - reading! Reading is back on the menu! And working out! All of these things I haven't had time for in the past few weeks due to revision!

Speaking of working out - I went on my first outdoor run in ages, and my first actual run or exercise of any type in the past 2 weeks (had to stop due to getting a cold, and thus wheezing a lot, and revising my ass off). What can I say? It was tough. 2 miles and I ran perhaps 1 mile of it on and off. But, in my defence it has turned out to be a hot day and I can't run in heat! I was actually praying for rain today!

In other unrelated news - my sister is getting the keys to her new house on Friday, which means I will be getting my own room. It's taken 25 years, but finally, I will have my own damn room in this house. I love sharing as me and my sister are actually best friends so it's fun (most of the time) but the idea of having a double bed, and a whole room to put my things in makes me so happy. I'm one of those 'loves to decorate' people, so I've been working on some room ideas and putting a collection together on Pinterest - redecorating is something I think I was born to do!

Right, best get on with French.



Monday 11 June 2012

Monday Blogging Time


Well, here is the last blog before The Exam. Argh. I've been hard revising, of course. But I don't really know how to revise for this kind of exam so on Thursday we will finally see if I have been moving in the right direction!

I recently celebrated my 27th birthday and it was good. I had to go to work, which was rubbish, but the actual weekend when I celebrated it was brilliant. I just did nothing but chill out and re-watch the Harry Potter films. Good times. I got some great things for my birthday... I'll try to recap them, but they aren't in front of me right now and my memory is shocking (another reason I just CAN'T WAIT for this exam).

So, the list:

Chord books -for playing guitar, obviously. I am not good at guitar, but I do like to tinkle with it every now and then and my boyfriend got my some song books to practise with, which was nice! I also got on from a friend.

Some books - namely Patrick Ness's Monsters of Men (the last part of a trilogy), and Power of Six by Pittacus Lore (the follow up to I am Number Four). My sister also bought me 3 or 4 books. I do like to read you know :P

Learn French Earworms - which is a DVD that helps you to, you guessed it, learn French. I'll be starting that next week!

New makeup- so concealer, blusher, moisturisers and whatnot. Also some body scrub and shower gel which is amazing because it smells SO good!

Jewellery - just a necklace and bracelet.

I really did get spoilt. I also got some money and plenty of vouchers to spend. It was a good birthday!

Now that that's out of the way I was going to update you on the things I have been up to, but it literally has just been revising and reading. I re-read 5 books in a week, which is good, even for me. My brain did hurt during and after though so I won't be doing that again any time soon. Thank God I don't have exams next year!!!

Right, I best get to work - exam is on Thursday so I'll try to do a blog on Friday to say how it went.... I'm already almost-crying. WAH!


Thursday 31 May 2012

Farewell, 26.

Tomorrow it is my 27th birthday. At first I was a little bummed out. Not because it's my birthday! Heavens, no. I love birthday's... I mean, hello? Presents! Any excuse for presents in my eyes. And it's NOT the thought that counts. OK, it is, but psh!

I was bummed because I was still in the mindset that life is kind of getting away from me - I always get older and I think 'another year gone and what do I have to show for it?'

This year I'm kind of content with letting my 26th year pass by, and excited to enter into the 27th. It might sound stupid, but I realised only this morning that this year has been amazing for me. I have celebrated my 3rd year anniversary with my boyfriend, finished my 2nd year of uni, written a novel, for God's sake (though I still have my work cut out for me on that one) and decided what I'm doing with my life. I have the best friends - who, granted, I need to make more time in my life for because I'm useless at time management - and generally I feel like I'm finally where I need to be.

Still - I'm technically supposed to be an adult and how am I spending my birthday? Eating my face off with chinese food and watching as many Harry Potter films that I can fit into one viewing. Which will mostly be 2, as it's hard to get the 3rd one in and NOT fall asleep.. but this be Harry Potter weekend, and I'll pretend I'm still 17 and everything is OK.

Well - that's it from me. Now I have to continue living in hope of finishing Othello tonight whilst fitting in the baking of 2 cakes. My head is already pounding from the stress. Why do I do this to myself?


Wednesday 23 May 2012

Oh dear, there's a rabbit in the garden...

My garden backs onto fields upon fields and we have a large rabbit population around here. And I mean LARGE. I can drive home at midnight and the road is crawling with night-grass-eating bunnies. Like ninja bunnies! My Dad is a huge Bunny-Nazi. He doesn't like them coming into the garden. I don't know why... something about how they dig around, but we aren't 'pretty-garden' people anyway, so I don't know why it matters. I think it's just a male pride thing.

Anyway, I just looked outside and unfortunately for him, his millionth attempt to bunny-proof the garden has failed. (As seen here) (excuse the washing hung out and look at the TINY bunny!).

I haven't had the heart to tell him it's there yet. Maybe I won't! 

In other news, I just finished my LAST essay for this year. I am about to finish my last assignment for creative writing and thus ends my 2nd year of uni. (Bar the exam). 

Crazy times! 

Monday 21 May 2012

I've been back foreverrrr!

I was going to do a blog post when I got back from Barcelona... but then I didn't! So... Yep! Sorry!

Today's blog post comes courtesy of my final English Lit essay, and my procrastinating from doing it. Consistent 'til the end! It's a tough one, and I can't be bothered actually doing it because a. It's sunny outside and I don't wanna be in here typing. and b. Well, considering I'm probably going to fail my exam in June, the stupid part of my brain is telling me not to bother. I won't listen to it, of course, but it's doing a good job of delaying my progress. Stupid brain!

So, Barcelona - it was GREAT! loved it. I would go again and again and you know what? The flight wasn't even that bad! I was a trooper. I mean, yes, I did have to close my eyes a lot and tell my friend that I wasn't to be spoken to because I was 'pretending I'm not here', but apart from that I did good, kid!
I am going to get pictures up at some point, as I have a few good ones, so stay tuned.

I have nothing else to really say - I am just kind of loving the fact that this years uni is almost over as it's been tough, whilst simultaneously dreading the impending end as with it brings my 3 hour long exam, which I am terrified of because I don't do well in exams. When panicked I find I actually can't read questions, or anything. And I can't not panic. I can pretend I'm not panicking, but that's literally just an external perk, as the internal workings of my brain will never cease!

The only thing that is keeping me going is knowing when this month is over I can crack on with the novel, as well as look forward to next years courses as I have picked 2 without exams. I'm clever like that!

So, Eurovision this weekend - who's watching? Who are you backing? I have only seen one of the songs so far, and it is those old ladies from Russia, so in all of my non-research, I'm going to back them to win. Who doesn't like old women singing?!


Wednesday 2 May 2012

Barceloooonaaaaaa (it was the first night that we met).

This is why everyone on the plane to Barcelona on Friday will hate me.
Yes, you heard correctly. I am flying to Barcelona for a few days on Friday afternoon. Never been... not sure what to expect. Not really in a holiday mood, if you can believe it! Most people go on holiday to get away from real life obligations. But it's those real life obligations that are making me NOT want to go away! I'm a backwards gal!

So, on Friday I will be doing my best impersonations of Freddie Mercury whilst simultaneously crapping myself (figuratively) because I'm scared of flying and all that jazz. Why can't we teleport? Huh? I mean... it's got to be possible. We are living in the future! I just thought about that last sentence then and my mind boggled itself. Imagine if we did live in the future... then it wouldn't be the future... it would be the present.... so the future isn't a real place? Mind officially blown.

God, you know it's bad when you start to rant to yourself (because that's what blogging really is).

I should be doing work. Instead I'll just let you know I went to see Avengers last night. I enjoyed it, bar a few stupid things. It was really long too.... And how come the men in it are so... ripped? It's unfair to make real people like me expect that men like that really exist. I mean. I'm not in the market for any men, but I'd still like to see those muscles walk past me every now and again, ya know?


ps. Mark Ruffalo is my ultimate favorite Hulk. Look at his adorable face!

Monday 30 April 2012

Cupcakes are SO last season.

Everyone is always raving about cupcakes. I'm an avid baker and I love making cupcakes, but it's SO popular right now I find it annoying. (What? So I hate band wagons - who doesn't?)

I'm making a call people. I'm going to tell you what the next 'big' thing is going to be in baking. People will be opening shops and I am calling it right now.

Pies. Yes. Pies. But not savoury... sweet. You know, like, totally American! 

Because unlike cupcakes, making pies (and most importantly pastry) deems actual baking prowness! I've been baking a few years and I'm still trying to perfect my crust, though I've come on leaps and bounds recently (without the cheating tool of the KitchenAid).

Here are so uber cool pies I love to make:

A good Cherry Pie:

Pumpkin Pie (don't know it until you've tried it)

Key Lime Pie:

Grasshopper Pie:

Boston Cream Pie:

Peanut Butter Pie:

Believe me, in a year or something you'll be queueing up to buy a slice and I'll be here... no richer. But probably fatter.

You're welcome!


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