Saturday 6 October 2012


Another post for girls... kind of.

Sometimes you just need to give yourself a boost of Va-Va-Voom... am I right?

Today I woke up and thought You know what? I'm going to make an effort!
I'm not doing anything other than going shopping and then going out for a coffee, but I spent probably an hour doing my hair and makeup just for such a non-important day. I'm not going out at night, I'm just watching a movie with my family and boyfriend, but I just thought... Why shouldn't I try to be glamorous, just for myself.

I am so lazy when it comes to fashion, looking good and generally making an effort. In my head I am a glamourpuss. I love fashion, I even have a fashion related blog on Tumblr, and I love makeup... hello... makeup artist! But, I never use these feel-good things in my day to day life. I go to work in my regular clothes as we don't have office wear. I just throw on jeans and a top and trainers and sometimes I put on a bit more makeup than usual but my hair is always thrown into a boring pony tail. I hate that I look so casual all the time. I want to make more of an effort just for me, because I do feel more attractive and confident when I've thought of how I want to look in the day and I've achieved said look. It's a state of mind, isn't it? Putting your face on, well in my case anyway, is a direct show to the world of what mood I'm in.
If I wake up in a grumpy down mood and feel like a destroyer of things (I often feel like a destroyer of things, like I could just walk into work and rip all the computers off the desks... pent up rage?) I wear a lot of black eyeliner and probably some sort of dark top. When I'm feeling girly and cute I will do a flick of eyeliner and try to wear something a little bit lighter and whatnot. I don't think anyone notices these outward expressions of my emotions but I do, so I think trying to make an effort to feel good might actually work in a backwards way.

If instead of letting my mood influence what I wear and look like, I let what I wear and look like influence my mood, surely I'm onto a good thing?

Right? Does anyone else do this or just me? Do guys do this?!



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