Sunday 21 October 2012

TV or not TV... a post dedicated to the art of TV shows.

As an avid TV show watcher, I find it really hard these days to actually watch shows on TV. I am so impatient - I hate waiting for episodes week after week and so I've become addicted to 'the box set' and 'the downloads'. I don't like illegally downloading TV shows, but if I've missed an episode of something that's just been on TV, or else only been shown in the States and not yet available for the UK, then I'm downloading. I can do this without feeling like I'm stealing because... well... I know I'll be buying the box set as soon as it comes out over here. I'm a box set addict and I'm not afraid to say it. I have so many TV shows on my shelf and YES, I do rewatch them. I love rewatching!

At the moment I'm working my way through Roswell, with my boyfriend (as he'd never seen it before) - if you've not seen it, it's a teen drama from 1999 (originally called Roswell High) set in Roswell, New Mexico and it's about... aliens. Teen aliens, to be exact. There's teen romance, drama and many awkward and tense moments involving humans and aliens alike. It's a classic, and was only 3 season's but it was one of those ones where they knew they only had 3 seasons so it ended really well. I would highly recommend if you like things like Buffy and anything set in highschool!

I'm also watching the following:
New Girl! I'm sure you've heard of it. I downloaded it when it started in the US (couldn't wait for the UK to pick it up) and now I'm truly hooked I am downloading each episode as it airs. Probably one of the only things I would wait a week for because I love sitcoms and this is a fantastic mix of humour and cute people! It's so clever in it's comedy and I actually laugh out loud at every episode. I can't wait for the box sets to be available as it will make it easier to re-watch the episodes... over... and over again.

Teen Wolf. Yes. As in, based on the 80's movie(s). And... yes, it's kind of crap, but that's what keeps me coming back to it. This is another one I download (but WILL be buying the boxsets of) and I love getting a few episodes at once and having a little marathon of teen angst mixed with supernatural drama. It's actually very well done, once you get past the cheesiness of it. Some of the actors are fantastic and once you get to season 2 you will well and truly not care that the main guy isn't really the best actor in the world.

The Vampire Diaries. I watched the first season before I picked up the books. I blitzed the books because they are amazing and now I'm so hooked on the show it's insane. It's just started on season 3 in the UK and this is another where I've actually been suckered into waiting a week for each episode. Previously I would NOT watch it on TV and get the boxsets so I could watch 3 or 4 episodes in one sitting. It's great. The plot twists are always captivating and the cast are so ridiculously good looking that I've actually had to admit that I'm in love with the main girl in it. She is so stupidly beautiful that I kind of hate her at the same time. GAH. But I am all over vampire Tv shows and anything supernatural so this really hits the spot for me.

Nashville. I only just downloaded the first episode last night and watched it with a constant smile on my face. It's a TV show about country music stars which is right up my alley. I love music, musicals and especially country music. I know when this comes out in the UK they will advertise it as 'The New Glee', but it's not, so don't worry. I loved Glee at first but it got irritating. I can't see going the same way. It's about an older country singer whose career is kind of dwindling and family life is getting difficult and she's pit against this new little country singer with a bad attitude and very loose morals and it is so far (all 1 episode in) very promising. Also, the main character has 2 kids who are 2 singers I watch on Youtube, which is pretty amazing. They are something like 8 and 13 years old and they are amazing singers. Check them out as well HERE.

And here is what I'm really looking forward to getting into:

Game of Thrones. I waited a long time to watch this, because I hate it when everyone is going on about a TV show, it means I can't enjoy it as much because of all the hype (yes, I'm one of those people.. I just can't help it). So I left it a long time, but my Dad loves it so I said I'd watch it with him. I watched 2 episodes and loved it so this week I'm going to blitz season 1 (as I have a week off so going to catch up on TV shows and computer games!).

American Horror Story; Asylum. Season 1 of this series was so good that I'm deadly excited about watching the new series. I'll have to download it as I don't have the channel it's being shown on (FX, for this interested) and I'm utterly just... I don't know how to explain my joy that it's back for a second series, with a new venue (last year it was a haunted house, this year it's an insane asylum) and a new cast mixed in with some of the old cast apparently playing different characters. I think it's such a clever concept! If you like horror and swearing and, well, sex stuff, then this is for you because it's got it all!

There are some other Tv shows I'm kind of in the middle of watching (Big Love, Boardwalk Empire) but I'm not totally hooked like I am with the others. I kind of just watch them when I have nothing else to keep me entertained!

Do you have anything to recommend watching? I love TV shows so much so finding new ones that can keep me interested is high on my list of things to do!



Scumbag Sam said...

Ah, yeah I think there was a glitch as the comment duplicated so I've deleted all the others :P

Oh love season 3 of Buffy, perhaps my favourite season... and Angel, what a show. I always loved season 1 just because Doyle was my favourite character. I started to rewatch them but stopped as I didn't have time, but I'll be back on them again soon - happy viewing! :D


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