Saturday 6 October 2012

Buying Jeans and other girly things...

I'm taking a trip into the shops today to reluctantly buy some jeans. I know which jeans I want, because I'm a dedicated Oasis Jeans fan but jeans are really an age old women's problem. Everyone goes on about it and I'm so thankful I have 'my' brand, which I know normally does me proud. Until recently that is, when they changed the style of my most favourite ones ever (scarlett jeans) and they added a SECOND button, meaning they take a nanosecond longer to do up (but that's a nanosecond too long when you desperately need to take them off.....) but it also makes them a slightly different fit and I just hate them.

I switched to Tesco jeans a while ago because they do coloured denims for such low prices that it would be a crime not to buy them. They fit great (except their black 'skinnies' which just hang off me, and I'm not a 'skinny' gal!) and they are such good colours that don't fade too much when washed (on the odd occasion I wash them. What? Jeans are not supposed to be washed if you can help it!).

Here comes the massive BUT... (not my butt, although...), you just can't compare cheap jeans to more expensive jeans. There is a difference. And I hate that there is, but there is. So here I go, off to spend around £50 on a pair of good dark blue denim jeans. I know it will be a good investment but I hate parting with that much money on a pair of trousers. I'm opting for Oasis Cherry these days as they only have ONE button and they are a slimmer fit that Scarlett so I'll let you know how I get on.

Do you have any jeans you swear by?



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