Monday 26 November 2012

Busy Bee!

Yes, I have been busy the past few months (and not busty, as I just typed by mistake... sadly). Writing a novel in 30 days is tough when one is also working full time and trying to write essays for her uni course. It's actually really tough, and I probably would have thought twice if I had known how much work I was getting myself in for when I started this whole shebang. I'm glad I'm doing it because I've wanted to have a crack at this story for a while now - in a few more days the 50000 will be written. And then I'll try to blitz the next 20k as that's how many I'll expect to write to finish this one. And then I'm taking a break.

I'm really keen to start working on music with a friend. We've always wanted to write and play together for fun and I think we're finally going to try to make it happen. We'll see. Trying not to get bogged down with stuff, you know? I feel really bad that I'm neglecting blogging and even just reading blogs. I haven't read a blog in about 3 weeks, which is terrible for me, but what can you do?

I'll post more things on here soon because I do actually have posts all lined up to go. One of them will be called 'things YouTube taught me' and I think it will actually be a pretty good post - so watch this space!

I hope everyone is well!



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