Monday 21 May 2012

I've been back foreverrrr!

I was going to do a blog post when I got back from Barcelona... but then I didn't! So... Yep! Sorry!

Today's blog post comes courtesy of my final English Lit essay, and my procrastinating from doing it. Consistent 'til the end! It's a tough one, and I can't be bothered actually doing it because a. It's sunny outside and I don't wanna be in here typing. and b. Well, considering I'm probably going to fail my exam in June, the stupid part of my brain is telling me not to bother. I won't listen to it, of course, but it's doing a good job of delaying my progress. Stupid brain!

So, Barcelona - it was GREAT! loved it. I would go again and again and you know what? The flight wasn't even that bad! I was a trooper. I mean, yes, I did have to close my eyes a lot and tell my friend that I wasn't to be spoken to because I was 'pretending I'm not here', but apart from that I did good, kid!
I am going to get pictures up at some point, as I have a few good ones, so stay tuned.

I have nothing else to really say - I am just kind of loving the fact that this years uni is almost over as it's been tough, whilst simultaneously dreading the impending end as with it brings my 3 hour long exam, which I am terrified of because I don't do well in exams. When panicked I find I actually can't read questions, or anything. And I can't not panic. I can pretend I'm not panicking, but that's literally just an external perk, as the internal workings of my brain will never cease!

The only thing that is keeping me going is knowing when this month is over I can crack on with the novel, as well as look forward to next years courses as I have picked 2 without exams. I'm clever like that!

So, Eurovision this weekend - who's watching? Who are you backing? I have only seen one of the songs so far, and it is those old ladies from Russia, so in all of my non-research, I'm going to back them to win. Who doesn't like old women singing?!



Helena said...

I can only say (and hope) that brain goes into 'I'll manage mode' when the times comes. It's natural to be nervous!

I'll be shiting it for the Eurovision at the weekend. It's a big deal in our household, an annual bet among ourselves. I've only heard Jedward so far and sad as I am, I was tapping my feet along to it! I would like the Gummy Grannies to win, though. Mind you these days it's more Eurovision vote-for-your-bordering -country competition!


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