Monday 11 June 2012

Monday Blogging Time


Well, here is the last blog before The Exam. Argh. I've been hard revising, of course. But I don't really know how to revise for this kind of exam so on Thursday we will finally see if I have been moving in the right direction!

I recently celebrated my 27th birthday and it was good. I had to go to work, which was rubbish, but the actual weekend when I celebrated it was brilliant. I just did nothing but chill out and re-watch the Harry Potter films. Good times. I got some great things for my birthday... I'll try to recap them, but they aren't in front of me right now and my memory is shocking (another reason I just CAN'T WAIT for this exam).

So, the list:

Chord books -for playing guitar, obviously. I am not good at guitar, but I do like to tinkle with it every now and then and my boyfriend got my some song books to practise with, which was nice! I also got on from a friend.

Some books - namely Patrick Ness's Monsters of Men (the last part of a trilogy), and Power of Six by Pittacus Lore (the follow up to I am Number Four). My sister also bought me 3 or 4 books. I do like to read you know :P

Learn French Earworms - which is a DVD that helps you to, you guessed it, learn French. I'll be starting that next week!

New makeup- so concealer, blusher, moisturisers and whatnot. Also some body scrub and shower gel which is amazing because it smells SO good!

Jewellery - just a necklace and bracelet.

I really did get spoilt. I also got some money and plenty of vouchers to spend. It was a good birthday!

Now that that's out of the way I was going to update you on the things I have been up to, but it literally has just been revising and reading. I re-read 5 books in a week, which is good, even for me. My brain did hurt during and after though so I won't be doing that again any time soon. Thank God I don't have exams next year!!!

Right, I best get to work - exam is on Thursday so I'll try to do a blog on Friday to say how it went.... I'm already almost-crying. WAH!



Kait said...

Happy Belated Birthday Sam! I still come & read your blog, even though I've stopped writing mine. Life tends to get boring and I feel like I have nothing to blog about. Considering starting a YA novel blog though. I'll let you know when I start it. :]


Helena said...

Belated wishes from me, too! Hope the exam went okay yesterday and 'bonne chance à toi' for next week, Sam!


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