Monday 11 April 2011

I really don't know what to blog about.

So.... I just googled 'Google Trends' to see what the world is talking about. Or at least looking up when they should be at school/ at work/ doing uni work from home.... and it looks like Kelly Clarkson is a hot topic. Now. I'm not going to look into why this is, as I want this to be a short post, but... Kelly Clarkson... really? She must still be going strong in the US of A, because over here she isn't even a blip on the radar... sadly, the only people blipping on the UK radar musically are.. well... no one. I just looked up the UK top 10 chart thingymebob and its all US artists in the charts. Sometimes it makes me sad the UK can't produce good music (hey! Don't take offense! It's just rare at the moment. You can't argue with the facts, maaan), but then I think. Well. Why would we? We don't make good TV shows either, or films that much, so to hell with it! I lost the point of this blog post... sorry! Toodles! Sam


Helena said...

Never mind, Sam....when my sons' bands hit the big time, I'll keep us some backstage passes - as well as the free bar!!lol


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