Friday 8 April 2011

Stuck in the Middle With You.

Yeah. So, I find myself stuck in the middle a lot. Mostly because I chose a strange relationship to get in the middle of. Lets start at the very beginning. I go out with a guy, who is the brother of my sisters boyfriend. So we, as 2 sisters, date 2 brothers. It's sometimes annoying and sometimes fun, but mostly at the moment its awkward. You see, my sister and her fella are struggling in their relationship. It doesn't seem to be running too smoothly at the moment and I can't get involved. He is...well, I love him as a sort of half almost brother in law in 2 possible ways, and friend. But, well, he's a bit of a fool sometimes. And he lies. A lot. About where he goes, what he does... what he keeps in the garage that no one is supposed to know about (but we broke in the other day to look and it wasn't a good find. think heater lamps and soil). And I can't tell my sister any of this. Because i don't want to be the one to come in between their relationship. They have to figure it out for themselves, right? I can't tell her that he smokes, and drinks more than she knows. Can't say that he is selling god knows what on ebay and uses fake names on the internet. can't tell her I think he's dealing and he is in a ridiculous amount of debt. that he got £16k last year from his mums pension, but has already blown through it. Why can't I tell her, you might ask? Well, put yourself in my shoes. You would be the one to cause trouble. You would be the one who would be breaking 2 people up. You would be the one pointing out these errors in judgement, and although one day she would thank me for it, he certainly wouldn't, and it might be I have to live with him in my life for ever as I plan on staying with my guy forever if I can! I'm in the middle. And it sucks. Sam



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