Sunday 2 November 2008

MeMe's and the likes...

So, I come on here, checking blogs, and all around me (not literally, but on the screen), I see these things called 'memes'. You know, like those chain mail emails you get, where you have to answer questions about yourself, or open a page of the book you are reading and post a snippet of it to tease your readers... Most people hate these things. I don't. Well, I do, but I don't. I love reading other peoples answers, and I love answering them myself, but I know my friends hate me for the email ones. It seems like the need to share useless information went out of fashion when exposing yourself for money (*coughcough* can we say hello to the Big Brother culture sitting in the corner with the dunce hat on?) came into fashion. It was one or the other, we can't have both. I think I am going to choose memes instead... I hope you understand and respect my decision?
I am just going to mindlessly blog, as I am not thinking too straight today. Just woke up (about 2 hours ago.. still in PJ's. Its Sunday, so sue me!!). I went out last night for my sisters birthday and decided I wasn't going to drink much. Just a couple. Nothing too big and fancy. Well, being in a Vodka bar doens't help, neither does the fact that the first 2 drinks I had were off the tray of shots I bought, which I swiftly followed down with a pitcher of Cherry Springer (vodka cocktail that tastes of Cherry coke.. mmmm). I drank this straight from the jug, with a straw. Classy. I think people would have understood more if they had seen me try to pour the damn thing into a glass. Someone has to invent an easier pouring device. really. they do. I can't pour for toffee!!
*Side note* Not sure if this will work every time, but me and my friend picked a random guy walking past, pointed at him and motioned the "You're OUTTA here" action a la baseball games. You know what I mean. Take a second to picture his reaction. stunned. laugh. say "that was a bit harsh.... can I buy you a drink?" Now, I don't know if we stumbled onto something big here. But this honestly would have gotten us a free drink if we had trusted him to not put a roofie in the mix. I am going to try this again soon and see what happens. I will keep you posted on my findings.
I have just learnt this about myself (fingers crossed this link works)

I have been told that I would have a 50% chance of surviving a zombie attack. I can't handle that. 50%??? 50? good lord. I would have liked either 60% or anything below 50. But FIFTY?
You may be wondering 2 things right about now.
A) why am I still reading this tripe?
2) whats so bad with 50%?
well, to answer the first point. I DON'T KNOW.
To answer the second. 50 just seems like too much pressure. If I was only a 40 percenter then I would at least know that I would be useless, and accept that I would die quite quickly. 60 percenter would mean I could fight it out, knowing I would more than likely continue in my non brain eating ways. but 50 is more like... teetering on the edge of a blade. Not knowing which way the wind is going to blow to knock me on my ass. You know? too much pressure to perform, and too much doubt to actually pull it off. These are the things one has to think about these days.
Right, just one more thing to talk about.. ok, make it two, and then I will go and get dressed!
Halloween. It was so fun. I was all vamped up, with black contact lenses and such. my 2 friends that came out with me, who I pestered to make sure they dressed up, hated me because I didn't have a costume on, just the makeup. But then, why would i dress up, when I was being a vampire - vampires don't have costumes, they just have clothes! right?!!! I will try to get a picture up on here with my black contacts and blood on my face. it was a good look!!
I finished the Twilight series yesterday morning, in my hungover state. I was trying to read Breaking Dawn really slowly, because I didn't want it to end. I was expecting a horrible ending, and was prepared to have to throw the book in the bin, and pretend like it never happened. But I didn't. Because it ended brilliantly. How I hoped it would, but didn't want to invest too much hope INTO because I didn't think an author would be that nice to her readers. Loved it. Love Stephanie Meyer. I want to be in the Movie,but I know its too late, so I am thinking, get acting lessons, an agent, and get drunk, and try to get into the next movie somehow. Haha. Note to self, the last Harry Potter is also on my list of movies to try to get into!!! I like to set myself stupid goals in life!
Ok kiddies. Happy 2nd of November.


Kait said...

I like the 'memes', but I've never done one.

My cousin went out as a pregnant vampire[influenced by a certain
book], it was quite funny.

I've seen V for Vendetta, it's one
of my favorites. I just didn't
realize it was a real holiday, I'm
just dense.

Christian H said...

39%, b/c I have no canned food, no guns, and the desire to save people and maintain morality. Would have scored fairly high otherwise--for instance, will shoot zombified loved ones in the face if need be.

Scumbag Sam said...

Thats good to know, man... good to know! haha. Well, I will lend you some canned foods, and give you a fighting chance!:)


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