Friday 21 November 2008

I had such plans for this one...


I have totally forgotten what I wanted to blog about.

I was really prepared for it this morning, I had a list of topics in mind that I was going to discuss, none of them depressing, just thoughts and jingles. But of course, work has zapped my creative mind until it is nothing more than grey mush floating in between my ears. Why does this happen??!

I guess I will just do what I usually do, and say what I am thinking. I think it works most of the time. The thinking, and the brain... one is an idiot.. the others insane.. wait, no, that's not right!

I haven't been on here properly for a couple of days, due to me being the most popular and busy person ever. Not. (note: adding 'NOT' to the end of a sentence is now considered cool again, I have been assured by my sister...).

Lets talk facts.

Fact. I went to see Gavin DeGraw at Academy 2 in Manchester on Wednesday night. He was amazing! Great performer, however, we had to queue for quite a while, and it was fr-fr-fr-freezing outside! When we got in, we were pretty close to the stage, which was brilliant. My brother and his friend didn't have tickets, so they were trying to buy them on the street... Of course, being the lucky buggers they are, they met Gavin outside (well, one of them did), and they got in free on the guest list! SCREW THEM. I got a plectrum that was thrown into the crowd, so in their faces! *pictures to follow*

Fact. Yesterday I got my hair did. I had my fringe cut and a trim (trying to grow my hair!), and got my colour done - WOO, no more roots, AND glossy blonde hair. Was it worth over £100 though? I don't know. That's what I am trying to weigh up. You see. I have been in between hairdressers for a while, so thought I would rate this one against the last one I went to. I liked this new place and the people, but it was more expensive. I only had half a head of highlights and a cut from a senior hairdresser, but in the last place I went to I had a full head and the owner cut my hair and it was only £100 (discounted though, because I know the guy)... but I didn't feel as comfortable in the cheaper place as I did in the new place -so what IS the price of comfort???

Fact. I am so tired. This entire week has been strange. My sleeping patterns have been thrown out of whack. I go to bed, but don't really sleep until about 1 or 2 (no matter how hard I try) and when I wake up I feel as though I haven't even been asleep -maybe I am astral projecting instead? (stop watching Charmed, Sam!!) Its awful. I just feel exhausted.

Still, even though I am exhausted, I want to go out tonight. I don't really like big heavy drinking nights, like alot of people my age do. I like them occasionally. But I am a pub girl. Sit in the pub with friends, and drink, play games, maybe a pub quiz. There is a lot to be said for quiet nights. I am loving the hanging out part of friend time at the moment. I always do, but sometimes I feel like being left alone for a while.... Anti social - something I don't want to turn into (my parents are really antisocial and I don't want to inherit THAT!). So I am trying my hardest to go out and be merry and keep relationships intact! Its a hard time. Everyone seems to be drifting here there and everywhere. I will be again next year, off on another adventure, but for now, I need to be anchored to people, as I feel like I am drifting away. Literally, I feel like my body is breaking up into small pieces. I think its the sleeping thing. Its strange... I am sure there is something wrong with me!!!

Last note of the day - I am currently craving Chinese food/ sushi.
I am going to see Edward Scissor hands - the Ballet, tomorrow.. and... I am going to get ready to go out now!
Thanks for sticking this random blog out.. if you have only skimmed, go back and start again, you have missed a really important section about you....


MD said...

woh, I get traumatised spending £25 on my hair. Then again, I don't have glossy blonde hair, I have a cloud of chocolate fronds. Mibbees I see your point.

Sushi = raw fish, that is currently my idea of the worst thing on earth. I used to like it too.

Antisocial: it's the future. People are overrated, usually by themselves.

Helena said...

Some artists are worth the freezing wait! The worst guest list I've ever been on was Chris (dia) Rea. That was a dreadful gig, but the after party spread was all right.

I spend a tenner a year on my hair. Seriously. Two trims tops. It took me decades to be happy with it's natural colour but I'll not use peroxide it again!

And I know what you mean about needing to be anchored. I'm very much a stay at home girl, but now realise it's important to keep in touch.

Scumbag Sam said...

I think the overall consensus is that being blonde is a highly overpriced state of affairs. I will change it, one day!!

I think some people ARE worth the wait, I don't think i have ever waited for a gig and then been dissapointed! I think thatsmostly just due to the fact that inside is warm though, and if its warm, I am happy!


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