Sunday 23 November 2008

Its Sunday, Sunday, Sun-day, so why isn't it sunny?

Today is a horrible horrible day, weather-wise. Its all rainy and dark. Why? Oh, yeah, silly me, winter! Now I remember why I love summer!

It has been so cold this weekend, and I keep having brain meltdowns. I am blaming the chill in the air. I keep starting sentences and then just having complete and utter meltdowns halfway through, where all my words jumble into one long strange sound. I keep doing it whilst I am typing too, which must mean its spreading. I don't know what could start doing it next? My feet? I might be walking down the street tomorrow and instead of moving my right foot, I might try to move my left foot again, and end up on my a$$. I had better wear protective padding etc. just incase. Cool, it may not look, but safe I will be. I don't know why Yoda just burst into my head and typed that, but its probably got something to do with the fact that Starwars is on TV right now!

I went to the Christmas markets yesterday. Hungover. As on Friday I did go out, and went back to my sisters boyfs house with some friends and decided to drink (vodka and ginger beer - don't do it), play poker (its a well known fact that I don't fold, even if I have crap cards), and basically just make lots of noise and laugh a lot. I don't know why I did it, know I would have to get up early to meet my friend to go shopping, but I did. I walked to the station and was still drunk for half the day. But I made it. Victory was mine! mwahahaha!

Christmas markets are fun. But it was so cold! Bitterly. I am just glad I am not up in Scotland right now, like some folk I know, as its apparently *bloody* freezing! Eek. Wrap up warm little ones! The market was great though. It was packed, but great. Its funny how people lose all their manners and become little demons when walking around a market. It would make me mad if I could say I am completely calm in such situations, but I know I am not. I do let people through, especially if I can see they are a group etc. But I can also snap if someone pushes in front of me! Hello! I am not walking this slow on purpose!!

As a general rule, I like to do the whole 'pay it forward' kind of thing. Little good deeds. But I think my attempts are failing, as I have yet to have anyone pay anything forward for me. Nope, No sirree. Ah well, I will keep trying, in hopes that it will catch on!

After markets I went to see Edward Scissor Hands, the Ballet. It was... different. It was good. But different. They changed the story slightly, but the dancing was great, and it was funny. Very magical and christmassy!

I was so knackered by the time I got home though. Watching dancing takes it out of ya. I am sure I was as exhausted as the performers... of course you were, Sam, keep telling yourself that!

Grr, I am only continuing to type so that I can add the pictures I took at the gig on here now, rather than wait until later, but its only at 88% on my uploader!

So whilst I am waiting, I might as well blabber on. I have finally settled on the new background of my other blog - and.. um.... I am still trying to figure out what to blog about on there. Haha, you would have thought I would have thought of that first, but I guess that's not how my brain works!

Oh, and look. Pictures!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks!



Gareth said...

You never fold huh? Fancy, um, playing poker sometime? ;)

There's an Edward Scissorhands ballet? I didn't even know such things existed. I really should take notice of what's going on in the world a bit more often.

And you're right. It is bloody cold. Hence the reason I'm typing this while wrapped up in a nice warm blanket. Yep, I'm all kinds of rock 'n' roll.

MD said...

I never fold either. everyone mocks and I always end up winning. Yawn.

I shall post a pic of what it was like to be in scotland today. Neh.

Blog looks nice, now you have to write something. Probably about cheese, that always works.

Scumbag Sam said...

alas, yes, an edward scissor hands ballet. I am very cultured! hehe.

its stupidly cold. I dont appreciate it one bit!

I might write about cheese. I like cheese... its good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Well Hello there Sam!! Love the name and love the blog. You seem like someone that my woman and I would love to read.
We have a blog too.

I will return...and tell manicmariah about your blog.


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