Monday 17 November 2008

blogging along


Greetings, visitors from Earth.

I am at a loss, I really am. You see. I really want to get my new blog off the ground, which will be more of a creative place where I will post some of my diGitAl art, *pictures*, ideas- occasional moments of creativity that I am wanting to express. I don't find I can express myself creativly in my actual life. Its tough. Bottling it up really annoys me.

Not knowing where the new blog will go is one part of my creative outburst. I really don't know yet, what the final result will be, and I am still mulling over the little things - its not going to be a blah blah woof woof blog like this one is, where I basically just rant about my own little life, I might even start showing off some canvas pictures I am going to try and do... but who knows.

Ok, so the real thing I need right now is an idea of what my layout should look like. I have both tried to edit my own, but I am so rusty on HTML etc. that I fear I will not succeed in creating a nice looking template. So I need to know where to look for one, and how the hell you get it to work on the site!!

Nanoo, Nanoo..

There is a strange sound outside. I have a feeling its a ridiculasly HUGE 4x4 car. It sounds more like a tank. Honestly, can't a girl get ANY peace?

Help help help.

(ah, the beautiful works of Christian Lorenz Scheurer)


MD said...

Therein lies the perfect blog entry.

Scumbag Sam said...

Lol, I don't know whether to thank you, or slap you!!!! :D I will just laugh out loud (as previously noted) instead! teehee!!

MD said...

Sarcasm free.
It exists, is pondery, is cheering and has a nice picture.
Ergo: perfect.

It is however asking me to say sabilogl which I'm sure is rude.

Scumbag Sam said...

love it - I think Sabilogl is my new favorite word! It does sound rude though! :P

thanks for the brilliant comment! ^^ (as people do, but I don't really know why... well, I do, but i don't understand WHY... )

Christian H said...

Who is this artist? I could Google, I suppose, but...

Gareth said...

Ok so I've got five minutes to catch up with Sam's blog... Ok so what have I missed.. hmmmm.... ok... wait is Sam a vegiterian?.... There's a guy she used to work with.... Lot's of colour... something about jogging in the dark... oooh new blog!...

Gosh, you miss one episode.

Right I'm all caught up and ready to take on the world again.

Scumbag Sam said...

Oh Gee, you make me giggle! haha, I tend to blog at a very irratic rate, I know.. but there you have it :P You must try to keep up!!!


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