Sunday 2 November 2008

Its new, and its for you

I was feeling like I needed an outlet. A place to put some random thoughts and feelings that weren't really appropriate for this blog. Where I just rant about me! So I made a new one.
Is where I did this.
Its not really for anyones enjoyment, rather, its a place I have given my mind to wander on its lonely, somewhat restless path. Its almost 100% fictional in that its not actually happening. But the basics of it is that its a girl, writing to the person she loves most in the world. Snippets of thoughts and feelings she wants to share with him in hopes that he will read it. Like a diary, or a series of letters.
I felt like I needed the outlet - so there it is. I don't know how often I will blog from there, but this place is all about sharing, and so consider it shared.
Night night!



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