Thursday 5 January 2012

11 Tag - Warning, Warning, Meme alert.

Now, you have to forgive me, because I don't normally partake in these kinds of things, but mostly because no one ever tags me into them so screw it! I'm going to do it! Thanks to Kathy for tagging me :)


1. You must post these rules.
2. Each per­son must post 11 things about them­selves on their blog.
3. Answer the ques­tions the tag­ger set for you in their post, and cre­ate 11 new ques­tions for the peo­ple you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 peo­ple to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tag­ging sec­tion about ‘you are tagged if you are read­ing this.’ You legit­i­mately have to tag 11 people.
Again, I'm sorry, but heeeere we go (and I promise none of these answers are going to be even a little bit enteraining. It's half 10 and I've worked a billion hours today and have a migraine! :( )
11 Things About Me

1. I class myself as a middle child, though I'm 1 of 4... but seriously, listen, I am the middle of 3 girls and the youngest of us is a boy so he gets spoilt as the only boy... making him in another league so technically I am the middle child... no? It makes sense to me.

2. I have set myself a goal of reading 50 books this year. That's, like, one almost every week.

3. I share a room with my sister. At the ripe old age of 26 I still share a room.

4. I'm ok with the above. I like having someone to talk to at all hours of the night and it means stealing makeup is easy!

5. I'm a qualified make up artist, and though I have done weddings I'd love to train in special effects makeup. But I probably won't ever officially do it, but I will teach myself.

6. I'm writing my first novel, which was something I've been mentally preparing for since I was about 15, but always thought I was too stupid to do. I'm not, and I'm doing it.

7. I actually am quite optimistic about being published.

8. I have a phobia of sand, and grain, and gravel and crumbs... anything thats gritty... ergh. It goes right through me.

9. I honestly worry I'm not a very intelligent person.

10. I don't like public speaking as I'm pale and afflicted by that horrible 'face goes bright red when I talk out loud in front of people' thing. Fun times.

11. I'm bad ass at karaoke and I don't have to drink to do it. In fact, I don't drink at all. Suck it, losers!

(Ok, I had more facts than I thought I would!)


  1. If you could have one superpower what would it be? The power of stealing other peoples powers... mwahahaha.
  2. What are your inspirations? Books, movies. Anything that's crafted. I'm inspired by people who have been inspired. 
  3. What are your obsessions? Straight to DVD movies, coffee, books, American TV shows of supernatural theme, puppies. 
  4. What's your biggest guilty pleasure? I don't know if I have a guilty pleasure... trying to play guitar? Because I'm not very good at it but it doesn't stop me. Either that or singing along to awful songs in my room like a 15 year old girl at a sleepover party. 
  5. Where would you want someone to take you for a perfect date? That's a toughie. I honestly believe my first date with my fella was perfect - we sat in Starbucks and talked for hours with giant cups of coffee. 
  6. What is your favorite memory? I'm rubbish at remembering things... I like to think my favourite memory is my memory for dreams. I can honestly remember dreams like it was real life... I know that's not what the question meant, but that's how I'm going to intemperate it. 
  7. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? I'll always remember the backhanded comment I got from a 'friend' once... 'you know, Sam, you're quite pretty really...' Well, it wasn't the nicest thing anyones said, but I remember thinking there and then that I was 100 times prettier than she ever would be because I don't have 'bitch' plastered on my face. (Or herpes for that matter...)
  8. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? To not sweat the small stuff. Not that I did, but it's a cool bit of advise. 
  9. What character (books, tv, movies, etc.) do you think is most like you and why? Oooh, goood question Kathy! I think I see a little bit of myself in most female protagonists sadly, I tend to step into the lives of fictional characters easily, which worries me sometimes...
  10. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? A FUCKING PUPPY! No one had bought me a puppy yet despite my constant pleading for one. Well, I'm not going to buy myself one... that defeats the point of a puppy present! 
  11. What is one compliment you would give yourself? Just one? Well... I'm witty as hell. I like my sense of humour, what can I say? If you can make yourself laugh that's all you need in life. 
11 Questions from me

Ok, these are the questions I want others to answer:

1. What would your autobiography be called if you wrote one?
2. Who would play you in the movie of your life?
3. What is your biggest regret in life? And don't you know you shouldn't live with regret, life's too short!
4. If you could make ANYTHING by hand, as easily as you could write your own name, and sell it, what would it be? 
5. Where do you buy your food, by which I mean, which shop?
6. What shoes do you wear all the time?
7. What item in your house could you not live without?
8. If you could go back to any day in your life, what day would you choose?
9. Where would you live in the world if you could live ANYWHERE?
10. Is there anyone in your life you'd like to confront and what would you say?
11. What colour is your underwear?

OK... so now I have to tag 11 people... I don't even know 11 people. so I'll just tag some random folks who's blogs I read and let them know the good news! haha!

1. Lena
2. Amber (Hey, you didn't say I had to actually Know them...
3. The Gee Man
4. Miss MD
5. Kait (welcome back! hehe)
6. Suzanne
7. TV and Book Addict (I don't even know your name, but I love your blog)
8. Jenny
9. Shawna
10. Miranda
11. Abbie

Wow, that took forever!

Peace and love, folks, peace and gloves... I mean love... love... all you need is.. oh never mind!



Kait said...

Thanks Sam, I don't even know 11 people!

I guess I must tag random people & look like a lurker.

But I am kind of interested in doing this so I will.


Kait said...

Also, it's interesting to know a few random facts about you.

P.S. My mom got me my dog Buddy for my 9th birthday. I had him until he died on my 21st birthday. Puppy presents are the best.

Unknown said...

Hey! Thanks for tagging me and for the lovely, lovely comment on my site. I swear, I'll try to post more (life keeps getting in the way grr).

These are silly, but fun and my name's Lisette by the by. I used to have it written everywhere on my site then got tired of it. bleh.

I would not mind sharing a room with my sister ever. She's awesome and we're really close.
Writing a book must be immensely exciting. I've been told to write, but I also think I'm pretty dumb. I don't know. I never have liked writing so *shrug* Maybe one day...?
I also blush like that, it's so annoying and excruciatingly embarrassing. I hate it when someone points it out because I'll blush MORE! *hides under a rock*

Unknown said...

Good luck with your book!!


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