Thursday 19 May 2011

Quick, Hide, The Rapture is coming...

Oh.. Rapture? I thought you meant Raptor, as in, velociraptor. Jeez. Don't try to scare me like that!!

So, I assume you have ALL heard. The end of the world isn't NEXT year. It's THIS year. This weekend in fact. May 21st is apparently the day of the Rapture, as mentioned in La Holy Bible... You know. That book someone wrote a millennia AFTER the Mayans wrote their calendars... so who do we believe. The OLD religion, who say its 2012, or the newer religion who say it's 2011?? (and by new religion, I of course just mean that one guy, Harold Camping, who has decided he has understood the Bible, where all others have failed)?

If I had to chose, I'd say the newer religion, because they are so darn good at taking an original thought and then changing it for their own needs and pretending like the came up with it first....

Of course, I'm not going to believe any of them, because, well, let's face it - if the world was going to end, wouldn't God, or Jesus have tweeted about it already? Nothing is secret or sacred anymore now we have the all intrusive social networks! :P

I love the fact that people say the world is going to end and at least 1000 people believe it. I might just say it will happen in 2013, just because no one has said it yet, that way if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but if I'm right, well, what a feeling to have been right about it 'all along'! :D It's a win win situation! wait... no it isn't.

Oh dear. Well. If the world ends this weekend, I'm going to Heaven, because the guy upstairs already gave me permission. Thanks Dad :)


PS. Not bashing religions, just making with the funny!



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