Sunday 17 October 2010

Nerdfighteria is a real place...

It lives inside of all of us. Fact. If you don't know what I'm talking about I suggest you get on this hayride, fast. Or not, I know not everyone is a big nerd like me, but it turns out there is many a nerd who wishes to fight world suckage on a global scale... well, that would make sense... world suckage being global and all.
Basically, I have been following 2 brothers on YouTube, known as the Vlogbrothers, for a couple of years now, and they have a HUGE fan base. John Green is a well established author, whose books I am currently devouring, and Hank is a great comedy singer - who mixes humour, geekiness and sweet jams and comes out with brilliant witty songs. The reason I blog about them now, is that I have today joined their social network site. Yes, they have their own social network site. And so far it seems cool, like a facebook, youtube, blogger, chatroom, forum rolled into one...
Today I felt like like sharing this information with you, and these people. You see, they are not only brilliant nerds, they are hilarious to watch.
This is the start of me blogging about YouTube and the people I follow, as I love sharing these things with y'all.
I'll whack one of their video's down here if I can manage it, and you can catch a glimpse of what I'm on about. If you are a nerd, stand up and declare yourself - for we are many, and we are taking the world by force.


Scumbag Sam said...

I've GOT to learn that I can't use yellow anymore when highlighting words... it just does not work :'(


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