I miss hamburgers the most!
I've been a veggie for about 3 years now... maybe 4. I don't know. I lose track of time because I don't pay enough attention to it, but burgers are probably the BEST food in the world, and yet I don't eat them!
Why? I always ask myself this. I miss burgers more than any food, well... apart from ham. How is ham SO good?
I do sometimes wonder why I don't eat meat, when I sometimes miss it. (But really I just miss burgers... I'm losing focus now...). But hey! That's my life! I stop eating things I like.
Example. In order to lose weight this year I have stopped eating white bread (amoung other things!). To you, maybe that's no biggie. But to me? Jesus *drags hands through hair to emphasise the point* White bread to me is literally my bread and butter. If I was hungry or just wanting to eat for the sake of it, white bread was there for me. To cradle some soft fillings, maybe with a sauce and some salad, or to toast and melt butter and marmite into... we had a deep connection. A strong relationship, but... like everything I love. I had to cut myself off from it.
I do notice patterns with my eating. If it's good, I actually have the stupidly steely determination to NOT eat it. And I do it for myself - in spite of myself. What a fool! I don't eat sweets, you know - because they are bad for your teeth. I only eat chocolate every once in a while, but NEVER chocolate bars. Only a truffle here, a piece there. To sate my desire.
One day I'm actually going to snap - gorge myself on burgers and ham, and chocolate and white bread and sweets. And then I'm going to keel over. Because if there's one thing I know, it's that when I open those gates, there's no closing of them. I will literally eat until I drop!
And this was the blog that was inspired by the picture of the burger.
Gods damn it - I'm starving now!
PS. I'm going to change my blog template again. I'm bored of it... I think....