Thursday, 25 November 2010


Next year I really want to take part in National Novel Writing Month - which runs throughout November, and the challenge is to write 50,000 words (I think its 50,000...). Just for the personal challenge. I never think I'll be able to do it, so I never try, but now it's the end of November (almost.. I don't think I'd have a cat in hells chance of catching up now!), I have decided that I should try. I mean, why not?? If I do it, I have written a 'novel' (I'm sure it wouldn't be novel standards, but novel in length!), if I haven't, well, then for effs sake, I've started one (or, another one). Which is good enough.
Right now it's Thanksgiving in America, and I hope all in America have a great day and eat the crap out of everything that's on the table! I wish we had Thanksgiving here in the UK... Unfortunately we have a whole MONTH (Jesus, that's close), until Christmas day.
Christmas... sh!t. I, as ALWAYS, had the great idea to buy everyone's presents for the happy holiday months in advance. And as ALWAYS, I haven't. Why do I do this to myself?? I have to start thinking level headily now. Because I have many Internet purchases to make, and if I don't make them now I will get lost in the strikes that I am sure the postal services will be enforcing during the most busiest time of the year. Because people are sweet like that.
Black Friday shopping has begun, but I can't help but feel like my one stop shop, go to place - a place I would shop for everything (and do), has let me down. Amazon's black Friday has been somewhat... disappointing. I loved the idea. Kind of like an auction. In theory I say 'yes yes yes', in reality I say 'what? Are you kidding me?'. I can't really explain why its no good, it just isn't any good! Blargh! I'm too annoyed with them to go into it. Amazon, my womanly, and manly Internet shopping lover, why do you do these things to me? (wow, that was strange)
Well, I must go to sleep. I stupidly ate my peanut butter M&M's which I had been saving for over a month - and now feel both sick, and annoyed that I couldn't save them for longer. Moment of weakness. Some people find joy in eating chocolate. I find joy in buying it and not eating - thus proving I AM THE BEST SAVER OF THINGS IN THE WORLD!
Sit on that!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Welcome back to Sunnydale High!?

Ill again. I have a sickness bug - which usually renders people sick, i.e vomiting, but not I. I just sit here with the sick feeling, and never reach the final stage of actually being sick, which I think would make me feel better.
It all started with violent shaking last week, and has since progressed into painful stomach aches and feelings of sickness and dizziness. JOY!
On a totally different note. I found this website today:
I don't know about you, but I have always wanted an adult sized baby grow. And now, here some are... I'm tempted to purchase, even though its overseas... hmmm. I think I'll have to think about it!

On a bigger news scale it seems is being taken to the big screen again (...can we say again when the 1st movie never really went BIG?), but without Joss Whedon to take the reigns.... could it really be done justice? Should it even be attempted? I don't think so. I mean, you don't need more Buffy - there were 7 seasons, which meant 144 episodes... if you really have a hankering to get back into that universe, just re-watch, like me, don't remake. You're only gonna piss off all the fans! Mental! I can see no hope.

Although, if they did make it, you know I'd be first in line to see it, but that's not to say I don't wish J'Whedon were involved!


Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Your Highness; a story of how James Franco took the world.


A new stoner story will hit cinema screens at some point (curses I forgot the release date... google it, I can't be bothered). A stupid, yet funny story about a questing 'British' knight and his brother, who has to go and save his viginal bride from an evil sorcorer - Your Highness is either going to do really well, in the realm of The Hangover or really really badly, in the realm of Pinapple Express, which I hear is funny... but I really don't think it did well box-office-wise.

I hate it when people say its either going to do great or not so great, but it really is true. I mean - it's got James Franco in it - a man who can do no wrong and is seriously fizzling and sizzling up the red carpet these days. He's only set to become a bigger star when 127 Hours gets released. I, personally, can not wait to see both of them. Just to, you know, see what they're like. Wow. Great summary there.

Your Highness looks like its going to be good. I will put a link to the trailer >HERE< (I threw you a Red Band trailer. You can thank me later) even though it looks like its going to be fake British accents, hamming it up on screen, I think the jokes will be good. And hopefully original. There is a particular scene with sucking venom that might be a good gag (I'm sorry, bad pun) on the big screen. Wow. Lowering the tone, as per usual!

James Franco will take over the world. Watch this space.... [don't highlight this section.. you did didn't you? Oh the horror! ] <-- OK, forget that space... but I bet in the next few years he will become hot property in Hollywood. But hey. It's not like I have been backing him from the start... OK, so I haven't. But I watched Tristan&Isolde. And if I sat through that, I should get a medal. Or a certificate for my great attention span.

I will leave you with this. What are your thoughts on the film? I tend to get a few hits on my blog, but no comments. I like comments. And I respond to them. God, I'm desperate for conversation.



Monday, 15 November 2010

The Deathly Hallows - what they are and how to find them.

I'm not going to tell you what the Deathly Hallows are OR where to find them, as I believe Voldemort would kill me without hesitation if I even uttered the words, but I AM very excited about the films' release!
I love Harry Potter! It's just one of those things that you hate to admit, because it causes people to either rejoice with you - thus annoying me because I hate it when people show interest in the things I like - or else causes people to roll their eyes in an 'I don't get it' kind of way - which annoys me because Harry Potter is amazing and people should just read it and love it. I'm a very complex person!
The books are SO different from the films, and I love that. I like the books in a different way than I like the films (did that sentence even make sense?). The books create such a magical universe, which is brilliant on many levels. The characters are cool - even the bad ones - and you can really get sucked into it. Everyone has their own opinions of who is bad and good etc. which makes for good debates with friends!

The films are mental. Just because they have made up a completely different universe from the books. The characters are totally different, the story lines lead to different conclusions. But in it's own way that's the joy of the films. It's a new avenue of the street of Harry Potter. Plus, Ron, aka Rupert Grint, is just amazing!
Like I said, I'm just thuper exthited to thee the film. (that was my inner nerd talking).

I think if I had to write an essay on Harry Potter I would do a wonderful job (... actually, no, I probably wouldn't.). As it happens, the essay I wrote the other day WASN'T on HP. Sadly. It was on Cleopatra and Christopher Marlowe - their reputations etc. It went OK. I got my grade back the other day and feedback from my tutor. He actually highlighted an entire passage I wrote and asked if I had wrote it, saying it was different from the rest of my work and if it was from a book I should reference it correctly! I emailed him to tell him I wrote the whole thing myself (how rude) and he apologised and said I had done a great job on that section and he upped my grade. Good times. I was miffed, but still - it's kind of nice to think something I wrote was considered something that may have been in a book! Go me!

I had to stop writing this part way through to watch Gilmore Girls. I'm glad my study days are broken up by TV moments. Not distracting at all!


Monday, 8 November 2010


What's that?
It seems like everyone is blogging about fashion or baking right about now (even me... kind of, as I haven't started my baking blog yet...). I'm sure its been going on a while, but I never really noticed it. Now it seems you can't get away from it. There are 12 year olds' blogging from the front lines of Paris fashion week, and 21 year olds' blogging about their new lines whilst they simultaneously DJ at underground London clubs and sport over sized dresses and mussed up hair in a way no other human being could, and get away with it. Oh it's a strange world we live in.

I don't dislike this age of fashion which consumes the Internet. I love it. But here I sit, flicking through my ASOS magazine, reading about all of these people, and its like I'm on the outside looking in. Fashion is so exclusive - it's kind of like being at school again. I'm the girl who buzzes from one social group to the next, never really being a part of one singular one, and everyone else seems to be developing 'style'. What is this 'style' and where do I get it? How come some people just ooze confidence and glamour, even when looking like a penniless paupers in hand me down clothes?!

I don't know. I might dream of looking elegant, glamorous or street savvy like this:

But this is my true reality... and I don't think there is anything wrong with it!

So, I wear converse almost every day, hide riding boots under my jeans because they keep my feet warm AND dry in the winter and wear stripy tops and eat massive burgers (note: this picture was taken before my vegetarian ways kicked in. hehe (oh my God that burger looks SO good.)), surely that's OK? I'd like to think so.

Sorry for the random bloggage - just felt I needed to get it out of my system and I was getting annoyed with ASOS magazine for throwing stylish kids in my face. Well, they can eff off. HA!


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Writing up a storm

Hi guys! Well, its November. I love how when the month changes everyone feels they have to comment on it. You should see the amount of people on Twitter who have exclaimed their disbelief that the month has changed... again! But, you know, it is alarming, the rate the year is going! November! What next? December? Egad!
Halloween was a big part of my weekend - as per usual! I threw a Halloween party with my boyfriend and it went pretty damn good. A little quieter than last year, as a couple of my friends couldn't make it, and others had to leave early so I had no friends there (well, none I had invited) by about 11! But other than that it was a great night. My and my boyfriend did that thing most couples do, but shouldn't - which is is coordinate our outfits! We went as Jedward (picture will follow, my boyfriend has the best one on his camera!). Overall it went very well. Everyone dressed up - best costume of the night was a friend who dressed as Wikus from District 9... it was a genius outfit!
On Sunday I went to see The Social Network (click HERE for my thoughts on it), which was brill! I really loved it!
And Monday and today I have been click-click-clicking away, working on my assignment for university. It was more difficult than I originally thought, but only because of the l e n g t h. If I had been allowed a word limit of say, 2000 words, I would have been set, but I had to stick to 1000 - with only 500 words per part (there were 2 parts... wow, I'm good at maths). It was tough but I did it. I'm proud of myself but the knowledge that it was only the 1st assignment is daunting... oh well! I actually enjoy writing, its just hard to stick to length limits!
I have nothing more to say... wow. Its been a long day!
Take it easy!


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