Thursday, 30 December 2010

December came and went, melting with the snow

The snow! Which is all gone now, but boy was that annoying!
I have taken a break from the blog world pretty much all of this month I think - and I did it on purpose. What with all the coldness and working, and university work and my lack of enthusiasm for anything that involved any kind of thought process.
I think I'm going to re design my blog again. I don't know how or why, it was just a passing thought! I like doing all the colourful words and what not, but it is time consuming, so I don't know whether that is going to stay. I feel bad though because I think the colours are what make people stay and read ( if people do in fact read my blog ). We will see what happens.
So that was Christmas then? Another reason I didn't blog (I was reading them though), was because I kind of felt like there was nothing I could have added to the blogging world. Everyone had pretty much covered it. Snow? Check! Spending too much? Check! Eating too much? Check Check Check! But at the moment I am procrastinating so I figured that the best time to blog was when I was supposed to be writing an assignment. Which I just can't do right now.
I have had a damn cold for 3 weeks. 3 whole weeks of coughing, sniffing, being bunged up and now not being able to hear properly as my ears are blocked! Grrr. When will this end? Probably when I have to go back to work. Life's funny that way.
Ahhh, work. The work which I am going to quit this year. FOR DEFINITE. I say it every year, but I really feel like it's killing me slowly these days. I am hating every second of it, and I love my colleagues, and they were my only reason for staying in all the doom and gloom times, but not any more. I have started to see them as the enemy too, so I feel I HAVE to leave, if not for my sake, but for the sake of my friendships!
I ran out of things to say, so I will say, Happy New Year! I'm staying in this year and playing X box with my boyfriend (which he got me as a present) - who's with me? hehe.

Thursday, 25 November 2010


Next year I really want to take part in National Novel Writing Month - which runs throughout November, and the challenge is to write 50,000 words (I think its 50,000...). Just for the personal challenge. I never think I'll be able to do it, so I never try, but now it's the end of November (almost.. I don't think I'd have a cat in hells chance of catching up now!), I have decided that I should try. I mean, why not?? If I do it, I have written a 'novel' (I'm sure it wouldn't be novel standards, but novel in length!), if I haven't, well, then for effs sake, I've started one (or, another one). Which is good enough.
Right now it's Thanksgiving in America, and I hope all in America have a great day and eat the crap out of everything that's on the table! I wish we had Thanksgiving here in the UK... Unfortunately we have a whole MONTH (Jesus, that's close), until Christmas day.
Christmas... sh!t. I, as ALWAYS, had the great idea to buy everyone's presents for the happy holiday months in advance. And as ALWAYS, I haven't. Why do I do this to myself?? I have to start thinking level headily now. Because I have many Internet purchases to make, and if I don't make them now I will get lost in the strikes that I am sure the postal services will be enforcing during the most busiest time of the year. Because people are sweet like that.
Black Friday shopping has begun, but I can't help but feel like my one stop shop, go to place - a place I would shop for everything (and do), has let me down. Amazon's black Friday has been somewhat... disappointing. I loved the idea. Kind of like an auction. In theory I say 'yes yes yes', in reality I say 'what? Are you kidding me?'. I can't really explain why its no good, it just isn't any good! Blargh! I'm too annoyed with them to go into it. Amazon, my womanly, and manly Internet shopping lover, why do you do these things to me? (wow, that was strange)
Well, I must go to sleep. I stupidly ate my peanut butter M&M's which I had been saving for over a month - and now feel both sick, and annoyed that I couldn't save them for longer. Moment of weakness. Some people find joy in eating chocolate. I find joy in buying it and not eating - thus proving I AM THE BEST SAVER OF THINGS IN THE WORLD!
Sit on that!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Welcome back to Sunnydale High!?

Ill again. I have a sickness bug - which usually renders people sick, i.e vomiting, but not I. I just sit here with the sick feeling, and never reach the final stage of actually being sick, which I think would make me feel better.
It all started with violent shaking last week, and has since progressed into painful stomach aches and feelings of sickness and dizziness. JOY!
On a totally different note. I found this website today:
I don't know about you, but I have always wanted an adult sized baby grow. And now, here some are... I'm tempted to purchase, even though its overseas... hmmm. I think I'll have to think about it!

On a bigger news scale it seems is being taken to the big screen again (...can we say again when the 1st movie never really went BIG?), but without Joss Whedon to take the reigns.... could it really be done justice? Should it even be attempted? I don't think so. I mean, you don't need more Buffy - there were 7 seasons, which meant 144 episodes... if you really have a hankering to get back into that universe, just re-watch, like me, don't remake. You're only gonna piss off all the fans! Mental! I can see no hope.

Although, if they did make it, you know I'd be first in line to see it, but that's not to say I don't wish J'Whedon were involved!


Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Your Highness; a story of how James Franco took the world.


A new stoner story will hit cinema screens at some point (curses I forgot the release date... google it, I can't be bothered). A stupid, yet funny story about a questing 'British' knight and his brother, who has to go and save his viginal bride from an evil sorcorer - Your Highness is either going to do really well, in the realm of The Hangover or really really badly, in the realm of Pinapple Express, which I hear is funny... but I really don't think it did well box-office-wise.

I hate it when people say its either going to do great or not so great, but it really is true. I mean - it's got James Franco in it - a man who can do no wrong and is seriously fizzling and sizzling up the red carpet these days. He's only set to become a bigger star when 127 Hours gets released. I, personally, can not wait to see both of them. Just to, you know, see what they're like. Wow. Great summary there.

Your Highness looks like its going to be good. I will put a link to the trailer >HERE< (I threw you a Red Band trailer. You can thank me later) even though it looks like its going to be fake British accents, hamming it up on screen, I think the jokes will be good. And hopefully original. There is a particular scene with sucking venom that might be a good gag (I'm sorry, bad pun) on the big screen. Wow. Lowering the tone, as per usual!

James Franco will take over the world. Watch this space.... [don't highlight this section.. you did didn't you? Oh the horror! ] <-- OK, forget that space... but I bet in the next few years he will become hot property in Hollywood. But hey. It's not like I have been backing him from the start... OK, so I haven't. But I watched Tristan&Isolde. And if I sat through that, I should get a medal. Or a certificate for my great attention span.

I will leave you with this. What are your thoughts on the film? I tend to get a few hits on my blog, but no comments. I like comments. And I respond to them. God, I'm desperate for conversation.



Monday, 15 November 2010

The Deathly Hallows - what they are and how to find them.

I'm not going to tell you what the Deathly Hallows are OR where to find them, as I believe Voldemort would kill me without hesitation if I even uttered the words, but I AM very excited about the films' release!
I love Harry Potter! It's just one of those things that you hate to admit, because it causes people to either rejoice with you - thus annoying me because I hate it when people show interest in the things I like - or else causes people to roll their eyes in an 'I don't get it' kind of way - which annoys me because Harry Potter is amazing and people should just read it and love it. I'm a very complex person!
The books are SO different from the films, and I love that. I like the books in a different way than I like the films (did that sentence even make sense?). The books create such a magical universe, which is brilliant on many levels. The characters are cool - even the bad ones - and you can really get sucked into it. Everyone has their own opinions of who is bad and good etc. which makes for good debates with friends!

The films are mental. Just because they have made up a completely different universe from the books. The characters are totally different, the story lines lead to different conclusions. But in it's own way that's the joy of the films. It's a new avenue of the street of Harry Potter. Plus, Ron, aka Rupert Grint, is just amazing!
Like I said, I'm just thuper exthited to thee the film. (that was my inner nerd talking).

I think if I had to write an essay on Harry Potter I would do a wonderful job (... actually, no, I probably wouldn't.). As it happens, the essay I wrote the other day WASN'T on HP. Sadly. It was on Cleopatra and Christopher Marlowe - their reputations etc. It went OK. I got my grade back the other day and feedback from my tutor. He actually highlighted an entire passage I wrote and asked if I had wrote it, saying it was different from the rest of my work and if it was from a book I should reference it correctly! I emailed him to tell him I wrote the whole thing myself (how rude) and he apologised and said I had done a great job on that section and he upped my grade. Good times. I was miffed, but still - it's kind of nice to think something I wrote was considered something that may have been in a book! Go me!

I had to stop writing this part way through to watch Gilmore Girls. I'm glad my study days are broken up by TV moments. Not distracting at all!


Monday, 8 November 2010


What's that?
It seems like everyone is blogging about fashion or baking right about now (even me... kind of, as I haven't started my baking blog yet...). I'm sure its been going on a while, but I never really noticed it. Now it seems you can't get away from it. There are 12 year olds' blogging from the front lines of Paris fashion week, and 21 year olds' blogging about their new lines whilst they simultaneously DJ at underground London clubs and sport over sized dresses and mussed up hair in a way no other human being could, and get away with it. Oh it's a strange world we live in.

I don't dislike this age of fashion which consumes the Internet. I love it. But here I sit, flicking through my ASOS magazine, reading about all of these people, and its like I'm on the outside looking in. Fashion is so exclusive - it's kind of like being at school again. I'm the girl who buzzes from one social group to the next, never really being a part of one singular one, and everyone else seems to be developing 'style'. What is this 'style' and where do I get it? How come some people just ooze confidence and glamour, even when looking like a penniless paupers in hand me down clothes?!

I don't know. I might dream of looking elegant, glamorous or street savvy like this:

But this is my true reality... and I don't think there is anything wrong with it!

So, I wear converse almost every day, hide riding boots under my jeans because they keep my feet warm AND dry in the winter and wear stripy tops and eat massive burgers (note: this picture was taken before my vegetarian ways kicked in. hehe (oh my God that burger looks SO good.)), surely that's OK? I'd like to think so.

Sorry for the random bloggage - just felt I needed to get it out of my system and I was getting annoyed with ASOS magazine for throwing stylish kids in my face. Well, they can eff off. HA!


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Writing up a storm

Hi guys! Well, its November. I love how when the month changes everyone feels they have to comment on it. You should see the amount of people on Twitter who have exclaimed their disbelief that the month has changed... again! But, you know, it is alarming, the rate the year is going! November! What next? December? Egad!
Halloween was a big part of my weekend - as per usual! I threw a Halloween party with my boyfriend and it went pretty damn good. A little quieter than last year, as a couple of my friends couldn't make it, and others had to leave early so I had no friends there (well, none I had invited) by about 11! But other than that it was a great night. My and my boyfriend did that thing most couples do, but shouldn't - which is is coordinate our outfits! We went as Jedward (picture will follow, my boyfriend has the best one on his camera!). Overall it went very well. Everyone dressed up - best costume of the night was a friend who dressed as Wikus from District 9... it was a genius outfit!
On Sunday I went to see The Social Network (click HERE for my thoughts on it), which was brill! I really loved it!
And Monday and today I have been click-click-clicking away, working on my assignment for university. It was more difficult than I originally thought, but only because of the l e n g t h. If I had been allowed a word limit of say, 2000 words, I would have been set, but I had to stick to 1000 - with only 500 words per part (there were 2 parts... wow, I'm good at maths). It was tough but I did it. I'm proud of myself but the knowledge that it was only the 1st assignment is daunting... oh well! I actually enjoy writing, its just hard to stick to length limits!
I have nothing more to say... wow. Its been a long day!
Take it easy!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

My Secret Life


I was inspired to write this after reading THIS blog. She is someone I follow on YouTube and twitter, and Blogger - obviously. I don't know why, but I took to her immediately on YouTube when I first saw one of her video's and have followed ever since.

Anyway, I digress, she wrote a blog about how in the real world people are not open to the Internet culture - things such as YouTube, Twitter and blogging are insane in some people's minds. And I am no different. Although I partake in this Internet culture I do frown upon it sometimes.

I am a secret (shhhhh don't tell anyone!) blogger. There, I said it. Only a few people who I know in real life know I blog. And the reason is kind of two fold. One, people really don't get it. If you tell them you blog or use twitter etc. they can't grasp WHY.

Two. I don't really get it. I blog, but for reason's unknown. And if I were to tell people, they would want to know what I blog about... which is nothing. I just write nonsense. And then people think you are self involved. But I'm not. (I hope).

It's a strange secret, but I am so far into blogging (I think its been 2 years), that to come clean now would be to admit to people I have lied, because I have had discussions in the past and said its something I don't get... and I wouldn't do it... but I do... because to admit it would be...shameful? I don't know... It's just never been something I wanted to share. My boyfriend doesn't even know - and thank God, I say, because he thinks I don't shut up enough in 'real' life, so I imagine he would frown upon my constant virtual blabbings.

So here I am, in my secret life! Great!!! Although I do live in fear of people finding out. I have nothing to hide, but still... it's kind of nice to have a little place of my own out here....


Monday, 25 October 2010

I whip my hair back and forth...

It's freezing. That's my official weather report for today. fr-ee-zing. And I'm starving. Because we have builders in the kitchen so it's impossible to make any food, which sucks because I wanted an omelet. I don't even like them that much, but I woke up feeling like one and now I want one damn it!
Oh well.
I have been working hard to try to get my Open university work done today. This weeks topic: Cezanne.

I am officially overwhelmed by art critic - I don't really see the point in critisicing art... I know... I'm doing history of the arts, but this part of it is the part I am going to find the hardest to get my head around.

I also got an email from our tutor, about my dummy assignment which I sent in. Literally a document saying 'Hi' - so they know I know how to work the system. I sent it... oh, I don't know.. 2 and a half weeks ago, but only just got a reply saying he couldn't open it. It's fine. I just didn't realise my Word saved in a strange format. To which I told him "sorry, I didn't realise, shall I submit it again?". Do you know what he said...?

"Yes, I know some other courses take these types of submissions, but we have always used these file types."

Like it was my fault...? Like I should have known. When this was, in point of fact, the reason we are sending the documents in, to make sure we know what to do etc.

You know when you just don't warm to someone? Well, I don't warm to him in the slightest. His email technique is poor... he comes across rude and doesn't space his emails well, which annoys me... I know, I haven't met him -and probably won't because I'm not a "go into school and learn" kind of girl, but the way you should come across in emails is friendly and helpful - but he really doesn't. When I have emailed him in the past couple of weeks I really feel like I have been bugging him. Humph. I'll give him time to warm up, but I just have a bad feeling about his people skills.

On to the subject heading. I have had this song stuck in my head for a while now - check it out, its hilarious. Will Smith's daughter, Willow, getting her voice heard... its strange, but true. Sadly. 9 year olds making records, whatever next? toddlers getting book deals? Woe is this life we lead.

Yes. Builder gone. It's omelet time!


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Halloween costume ideas 2010!

It's getting scarily close to Halloween, and I don't know about you but I'm panicking slightly. This is only because I have planned a halloween party for some friends, and I haven't done a very good job of preparing! But enough of that! I know what I'm being for halloween - its top secret at the moment - but I thought I would share with you, gentle viewer, the best costumes I have seen so far;
Avatar - just because, well, its hilarious. And if you CAN pull it off, you should!!! :)
King Kong - I always look at this one, every year, and think 'this is the year', but then I go for something else. One year I will get this, and it will be awesome!!!
Glo-woman - just... what??
wolf-man - A classic - I love this!
Joker - I wonder how many of these we'll see this year. A fine costume indeed, though!
Jaws - Hilarious!!
That's all of the ones I have seen recently which I thought were worth mentioning!

Monday, 18 October 2010

I'm going to make a playlist...

That's right.
A playlist to end all playlist's. Or not - as really, what I just decided is I want to make a really great easy listening playlist, of music you could sit and listen to when you are either working away, reading, or trying to chat with friends in a bar, but don't want to shout so they can hear you over the trance music they are playing at midday on a Sunday.
So far, the playlist is empty. It will be a work in progress, but if any one who passes this little blog has any really great songs that are quiet, or simple, or just lovely to listen to - please let me know, as I have a lot of music... but it could also be classed as a lot of crap music. I have spotify and I'm not afraid to use it, so any musical suggestions welcome.
Thanks all!
Hmmm - Sam wonders if one day, when she gets the play list up and running, there would be a way to play it here... probably not, but it would be a nice thing to happen....

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Nerdfighteria is a real place...

It lives inside of all of us. Fact. If you don't know what I'm talking about I suggest you get on this hayride, fast. Or not, I know not everyone is a big nerd like me, but it turns out there is many a nerd who wishes to fight world suckage on a global scale... well, that would make sense... world suckage being global and all.
Basically, I have been following 2 brothers on YouTube, known as the Vlogbrothers, for a couple of years now, and they have a HUGE fan base. John Green is a well established author, whose books I am currently devouring, and Hank is a great comedy singer - who mixes humour, geekiness and sweet jams and comes out with brilliant witty songs. The reason I blog about them now, is that I have today joined their social network site. Yes, they have their own social network site. And so far it seems cool, like a facebook, youtube, blogger, chatroom, forum rolled into one...
Today I felt like like sharing this information with you, and these people. You see, they are not only brilliant nerds, they are hilarious to watch.
This is the start of me blogging about YouTube and the people I follow, as I love sharing these things with y'all.
I'll whack one of their video's down here if I can manage it, and you can catch a glimpse of what I'm on about. If you are a nerd, stand up and declare yourself - for we are many, and we are taking the world by force.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Oh how the cold creeps in!

It's getting very cold. I noticed this last night, as I drove home from the cinema , and had to direct the car through a HUGE patch of fog, and I believe it must have been freezing fog, as it is all of a sudden stupidly cold outside. Although its a nice kind of cold so its OK -as blue sky and cold is bearable, grey sky and cold is torture!
You might think I'm sat inside, so what's the beef? Just put your heating on and shut up, but unfortunately we can not 'just put the heating on' as we have builders in at the moment, and the house has been pretty much open to the elements for the past 6 weeks. Which is a bit of a kick in the shins. But they should be finished soon. I say this, but I am pretty sure they are 4 weeks outside of schedule so who knows how long it will actually take. My mother joked that the people who were trapped in that mine would be out before this extension was finished. Lo and behold - she was correct! Joy!
Speaking of things in the news (see how I did that? the linking of the miners being in the news? it was subtle... leave me alone!), it looks like no one has claimed the £113 million jackpot in the Euro millions. Shame that, as I was sure I must have won it, I really did feel like a millionaire at the weekend. You know when you just have a feeling about something. We play the lottery at work when its a big jackpot like that, and I thought maybe my team of 10 people had won, and we would split the money and live happily ever after (not together in a big house though, no one but me liked that idea!), but it turns out we didn't. Not to worry though, we have entered the lottery for the £10 mil jackpot so fingers crossed! You never know, I mean... I could win! I just want to buy a house, is that so much to ask of the universe? Take my boyfriend away from the horror that is his house, and go and live somewhere nice together and, again, live happily ever after (for a short while, until we become bored of not working and decide we have to go back to reality...). We will see I suppose!
Time for me to do some quick reading - I have pretty much finished my Cleopatra reading, so just going to skim it again for fun, we are starting to read Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus next week.. which I know nothing about so that should be interesting!
Final thoughts - if I win the lottery I will have to change my blog name to Life of Scumillionaire!
If I ever find anything to eat in this goddamn house I will be able to make some lunch. So far, looks like I'm not eating until dinner.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Followers Widget.

I have always wondered how to get more people reading my blog. Not that I have anything important to say, but I sometimes try to entertain.. I like to think! So, I have decided to move things around. Tried to make my blog look more inviting, with a nice neutral layout. Not too much going on - a few pictures here and there (Speaking of, look at the hilarious Tiger picture!). I dunno - I like the way it looks, and prefer it to my old layout.
I have also moved my followers widget so its at the top of the page on the right! WHAM ----> right over there! In an attempt to get people to press follow. It's simple really. Follow - see if you like me and then if you don't just un-follow me and send me a message telling me to get a life, and stop wasting my time blogging!!!

I'm a huge follower. I am such a sheep! I can't even begin to describe. Blogger is really the saviour to bored people's lives. I am always bored, because ultimately I must be a boring person! (God, I hope I'm not!) So I always click on the "NEXT BLOG" Button and read some random blogs, which is how I come to follow almost everyone I follow.

Once again, I am procrastinating as I should be writing my assignment on Cleopatra... but hey ho. I wrote 3 pages today so surely I should take a break right? RIGHT!



Writers block. I am trying to start my first 'dummy' assignment and I literally can't. I don't know what to write. I know the material, I just don't know how to put the words on microsoft paper! What am I doing? I know I shouldn't be blogging but to hell with it. At least when I'm just venting I know what I'm trying to say!
Back to work, Sam...
Oh, ok :(

Saturday, 9 October 2010

I have nothing to blog about but it doesn't stop me!


I don't have anything in particular to blog about tonight. I am mostly bored and quite tired, but can't switch off so figure I will pass the time typing for no reason!

I went on a work 'do' on Thursday and it was hilarious. I always say I love the people I work with, and I really do! There is no denying we have some fun. We went out for food, where we basically just sat and laughed hysterically for about an hour - we are of all different ages, and from all different walks of life, but we all get on so well - even when we have little upsets with each other, we just get over it and get back to having fun so quickly its insane! So, there we were eating food and making a hell of a lot of noise and getting the worst looks off the people sat at the tables near us! Good times. We then went on to bowling. Wow - I'm bad at bowling. Every time I go bowling I always think that I'm not that bad, and then when it starts I realise just how bad I am! Not the worst, but certainly in no way good. But its not the winning that matters, its just hilarious to watch other people attempt to throw a ball down an alley, just to knock skittles over... who came up with this?!
We were all having a jolly time and after 3 games, the people who worked there offered us a game of laser quest for a pound each (usually £13 for 3 games). I seriously didn't think I would make it, as I was knackered from all the laughing and bowling (I still have sore legs from bowling for some reason) , but a few of us took part! I destroyed them all. They couldn't record our scores as the computers were down, but I'm pretty sure I won! I would suggest laser quest as a cardiovascular form of exercise too, because you sweat so much, and the adrenaline really kicks in! it should be implemented in school PE classes!

Nothing much has happened that's worth blogging about. I am still reading John Green's 'Looking for Alaska' - as I had to stop reading it due to the increasing sadness of the story line. I get too wound up in books that when bad things happen I feel really depressed like its happening to me... And don't even get me started on when a book ends! I don't know why I continue to read actually, as I only upset myself, but there is something so nice about living though someone else's eyes that keeps pulling me back in! One day I will write a book - and I will get to do that to someone else, and then the circle will be complete. Hah.

I must sleep... But I can't... humph.

Websites worth visiting:

WeheartIt - for all of its cool pictures
YouTube - for keeping me entertained constantly

Blogs worth reading:

BrandenArt - for cool conceptual art!
The Hayleylujah Chorus - for readable ramblings of one of my favorite Youtube Vloggers.

Albums worth listening to:

Mumford and Sons - Sigh no more
Inception - music from the motion picture
Working for a Nuclear free City - jojo burger tempest

Tv show's worth watching:

SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH! - Just started watching this again from season 1. Best TV show!

That is all!


Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Part-time working is the new black!

I have the luxury of now working part time. Yeah, so part time wage - boo to that, but I really have decided in all my 3 days of being part time, that it's totally worth it, just for the feel good factor!
I start as I mean to go on, which is study in the morning/ afternoon, and finish with a burst of exercise, with the energy I have saved NOT being at work. And so far, in all my 3 days of being part time, its working well and I'm feeling good!
Usually when I get home from work, I am all tired and in such a crappy mood I don't want to do anything apart from curl up in front of a good movie and just chill out, but on Monday I was so full of energy from not being at work, that when Tuesday came around I was super productive and did SO much work, even doing half an hour extra overtime (which I won't get paid for so have to steal those 30 minutes back tomorrow). I was off again today, doing some reading (see below for my musings on my study), and again, I thoroughly enjoyed my day (even though it was mostly interrupted by the builders working at my house who should be gone in a week or two); working in the morning and early afternoon and then working out in the late afternoon and spent some quality time with my pops! (Watching the new series of stargate universe - which I am still not sold on, but can't deny the soundtrack is amazing!).
So - my studies are so far going well. I was a little scared at first, but so far so good. Although I do seem to be a few days ahead of where I should be, but that is sure to even itself out later on in the weeks I'm sure!
I was learning all about Cleopatra today, and about how her reputation shaped her rise and fall and how Roman propaganda still makes up the majority of her reputation to this day!
Seriously, I don't know how I didn't know more about her and the whole Julius Caesar/ Mark Anthony/ Octavian triangle, or about how she was actually a descendant of a Macedonian general! Crazy! She also wasn't the only Egyptian Queen called Cleopatra, but she was certainly the last. I am loving the new knowledge - and will be writing up a mock assignment on what I have learnt next week - which I may post on here just for fun.
Well, back to work tomorrow and Friday.
I pose a question to you (which I doubt anyone will read/ answer) - how much do you know about Cleopatra? When you think of her, what are your first thoughts?
ps. On a side note I am currently reading 'Looking for Alaska' by John Green and it's brilliant!

Monday, 27 September 2010



I love it. I think most of my friends and colleagues know this quite well by now too. Whenever I remember its October next week I let out an excited squeal, as October is my new favorite month. And that's official.
I love the orange leaves, the pumpkins, any sign of autumn - hell, even the rain! It's just my season! I always plan to take advantage of such weather and sights when it comes around, but I always miss it, as months fly by so quickly these days, I won't be suprised to wake up tomorrow and be 10 years older, but this year I will try to make more of an effort.
Open university starts on Saturday, which I am dreading and looking forward to in equal parts. But that's going to be the start of me getting out of the house more. As I won't have any place to really study, bar the house, and we currently have builders in making a mess and lots of noise, I am going to have to force myself out of the warmth of my room and get out into the real world. Sitting in the library reading, or sitting in a coffee shop typing has become such a novel idea and I'm sure it won't be as exciting and sophisitacted as I imagine it... but still. It's going to motivate me to really appreciate the Autumn.
I'm almost officially over my cold. I was in work today and will be for the rest of the week and then next week I drop down to part time. Yesssss. I realised today that I don't even think the people I work with are enough to keep me in a job I hate. And I do hate it. We'll see what comes of this course I guess.
And Autumn.

Wrap up warm!


Saturday, 25 September 2010


Again, I have been struck down with a terrible illness - yes, you got it. The dreaded cold! It hit me - BANG - on Monday night. Monday day I was fine. In fact, you could say a picture of health, but when I got into bed that night I realised something was up. Grrr. I have been suffering ever since. No work. Cancelled all social appointments, which I hate doing, but inevitably always seem to have to do for stupid reasons! I swear, I am such a bad friend. My intentions are good, but when it comes down to it, I always seem to be busy/ have double booked/ completely forgotten I should be meeting someone. I think its because I have several friendship groups, so I have to try to fit everyone in, and then manage to fit no one in. Like I said, rubbish. But that's not the point of this blog. Then again, I have never known what the point of this blog is, so its ok.
I am currently typing on my swish new laptop, which I love, but feel guilty using, as my old laptop is still upstairs on my desk - not knowing whats going on, or why I have kind of abandoned it recently. But, what can you do? I form attachments to inanimate objects and find it hard to let go, and move on. Curses. I think I will end up giving my Toshiba to my sister so she can look after it, and I can visit it from time to time. Yes. That sounds like a good plan.
Anyway, I was talking about my illness. Which is getting better, but I am currently in the last stages of the cold, which means its clinging on to me for dear life and making my life hell. I have asthma, and most of the time its completely fine. I get wheezy in the winter and need to use an inhaler when exercising but apart from that I generally have it under control. So this cold hits my chest when I have no inhaler as its just run out.... grrreat. I will now be wheezing and coughing and spluttering for the next day or two. Curses. Why hasn't anyone figured out how to make a cold go away in a day? That's what I want to know.
As I am to recover tonight, I am hoping I will be feeling a little bit better tomorrow as I am planning a cinema day to catch up on yet more films. Its not like I have spent the past week watching films on the movie channels... no... not me... :)
Anyway - hope everyone in the blogging land is well. I need to spend more time on here catching up with "stuff", and now my new laptop works, I might be able to... I am also going to part time next week at work for the next 9 months, as my Open Uni course starts on the 2nd Oct. Woo!

Friday, 10 September 2010

I'm not feeling too good...


I was battling a swollen gland all week, got some strepsils and was eating loads of veg to combat illness - but no! My looong weekend has to be ruined by, what I'm thinking is the onset of tonsillitis! Just this time last year I was struck down by it, and now, again? Why? What did I do to deserve such a horrible pain in my throat?

Seriously, my right tonsil is so huge it might explode. And joy - doctors are closed. I have just had to text my friend, who's a doctor, and ask her how I go about getting medication when the docs is shut, but I have a feeling she will tell me to go to the hospital, but I am NOT wasting my Saturday to sit in the hospital. I have way too much to do! I am going to London for 4 days and I haven't even got a bag to carry all my crap in! Pft. Angry!

On a side note - It's Friday! I'm happy about that - and the fact that I'm not back to work until Thursday - and the fact that I, so far (touch wood), don't have any of the other horrible symptoms of tonsillitis, so here are some happy making pictures - so you, too, can have a happy weekend:

Toodles all!


Thursday, 2 September 2010


I'm so bored tonight. I was going to watch a movie, but I couldn't decide what kind of mood I was in, so I have literally just been on the internet for an age, clicking on all my favorite links to see what the haps is.
My favorite links are:
My friends travel blog
Google Docs
Open University student page
Yahoo Mail
I know you don't care, but this is literally how bored I am.
I am also currently supposed to be working on song projects with a friend. Writing and what not, but I just can't for the life of me come up with anything that would be a helpful contribution. I think I'm just in a rut tonight. Meh!
I have finished all the books I wanted to read that are in my room... kind of. I'm still in the middle of a couple of them, but lost interest so will have to go back to them at a later date, but I can't bring myself to order the other books that I want/need - as this month has already been a costly one, and its only the 2nd day!
I'm off to London for 3 days in a couple of weeks with my lovely boyfriend . We are staying in a very swanky hotel - unfortunately the reason for the visit is to attend a funeral but we are going to try to make it a pleasant trip. But what with that and having to pay my rent/ car getting serviced this month has already turned into an expensive one... I could really do with saving the month before i go part time...
Oh well!
I might go to sleep so when i wake up I can eat marmite on toast and have a massive cup of coffee... and I just remembered I'm working until 6pm. Brill!

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

What? August has gone where?

It's September tomorrow. School starts! Well, not for me (mine doesn't start until October), but its officially that time again. I love this time. Apart from I always feel restless and nervous around the start of September because its when we would go back to school and that thought still terrifies me to this day. Even though I haven't been at school in... well, longer than I care to mention, I still get that same feeling. But then its followed by the nice Autumn feeling, which is one of the best. Don't know what I'm talking about? Go outside and take a whiff of bonfire air! That's autumn feeling summed up in one smell!
I got all my open university books the other day. Can't remember if I blogged about that. Anyway, there is a box full of them, which scares me, but it should be good to learn. I kind of like learning. I think... I haven't learnt anything that meant actual text book learning in a while. And that's the part I worry about most. Because as much as I love to read, reading to learn is something that my brain can't (or refuses) to do. Still, we will see what happens.
I'm currently flicking through my Spotify music to try to find a song that I feel like listening to, but can't settle on anything. I don't know what mood I am in. Apart from I have a lot of energy today, so I should probably stop listening to sad slow songs. I will have to work off this energy with exercise me thinks. Boo.
Speaking of music, I have a lot of new soundtracks at the moment, because I have caught up (mostly) on all the films out at the moment, and have to then listen to the soundtracks because they are always (mostly) good. I love soundtracks and scores. LOVE them!
This bank holiday weekend I have seen 6 films. 1 last week (it still counts as this weekend!), 2 on Saturday and 3 yesterday. That's right. I finally did it. a 3 film day! at the cinema! I was impressed with myself! I saw:
Salt - which was good. Lots of action and the back story was OK. It was a good all-rounder really. Sure if you pick at it you could find things wrong, but who cares? really? I don't know why people pick films apart. Just enjoy them for what they are already! OK. Rant over.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - was really great, but I don't know why! It was mental. I couldn't figure out if it was real or not. Set in the real world I mean. It was funny, and loud and bright and stupid, but genius at the same time!
The Girl Who Played With Fire - was probably what you'd expect. Really good film - great story, great shots, looked fantastic, was acted really well. Swedish films are really good, and they are paving the way for European films at the moment. It angers me when the US have to re-make foreign stuff so they don't have to read... lazy! Honestly, watch this one (if you've seen or want to see the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), because its brill!
Step Up 3D - yes, someone who likes foreign films can like these sorts of films! It was brilliant! the 3D was the best 3D I have seen so far, and the dancing was great. So what is the story wasn't technically 'the best' - Moose was back! Huzzah! Watch that little fella dance, so cheesy but still... He's my hero!
The Expendables - is actually good - it was a great action film, and those guys still have it if you ask me. I thought I would be bored. The boyfriend wanted to see it, so I went with him, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Lots of shooting, some good humour and predictable story line, but even so, its a winner in my book!
Avater: The Last Airbender - its one of those ones you have to really sit down and get into. Because I think if you didn't pay attention and just get into it, you wouldn't care about it. You would just think the acting is shoddy and its a kids film. But honestly, if you were to give it a chance you might be pleasantly surprised. The 3D isn't the selling point on this one, because it was only rendered after it was filmed, so its not the main focus, but the martial arts and the actual places it was filmed are amazing. Story is good if you get into it, even if childish, its a good escape from reality! Ain't that what we all need?
Jeez, didn't intend for this to be a review on films, but I guess it is.
I really have nothing more to say at the moment. Nope. I just thought about it and that's it.
Ciao for now!

Monday, 16 August 2010

Ah... to blog.

(Sorry if this is now rushed, I just wrote a whole blog and it deleted itself.... grrr)
I haven't been up to much since my last blog... which was a million years ago it seems! Life has its little twists and turns which keep you preoccupied - and there have been many highs and many many lows this year so far - but we just have to pick ourselves up and carry on - which is something I'm particularly good at, so I'm gonna continue this blog like I never left!
I am off on my jolly hols on Wednesday, so I took it upon myself to book tomorrow off work to do some clothes shopping and pack and stress about all the things I'm sure I will forget to pack etc. I guess the most important part is having a valid passport. Which I do.. so I'm OK - right?! hehe.
This is the first holiday with my man-child - which should be interesting! We are off to Florence - I have been before and love it, but the reasoning for my lovely boyfriend wanting to go was nothing short of romantic. Hannibal was set there. That's right - my boyfriend wants to go on holiday to a place a sicko murderer, albeit fictitious, went. He's a keeper, is he not? haha.
When I get back from the sun and rain (which I think is forcast - great!), I have to seriously look into getting a new laptop - this one hasn't worked right since someone (stop staring at me..), accidentally deleted a serious piece of coding from the main computer brain, thus breaking the entire thing, and having to then patch up the coding by copying it from my dads computer and pasting it onto my laptops brain cells in hopes that it would start working again. which it did. Just not properly. So I will be looking for one which is shiny, new and has the ability to save more than 2GB worth of information on it! I mean, 2 GB? How 2008! Also, I will be needing Microsoft office as I will be needing to write essays and stuff because.... drum roll... I am starting an Open University course in October. I can't remember if i mentioned it in the last blog, but I'm doing History of the Arts, which is the 1st part of a degree. I will choose my actual degree course in the 2nd year me thinks, as I can mix and match for now. Fun times though!
I know what you're thinking. Another course? Well.. yeah! Of course! excuse the pun! You'd think with all these courses I do I would be a little smart... I'm not. I'm as dumb as I look! ZING! oh... I zinged myself. ouch!
Anyway, enough about me! Here are some sites I have been on of late:
One - is a site run by the talented actooor Joseph Gordon Levitt, and its basically a collaboration site, where writers, directors, musicians and artists can go and pool ideas to make a finished project. Its a great idea. I haven't contributed yet, as everyone who is on there is pretty amazing at everything. I like to watch what gets created though... maybe one day I'll get involved! hehe.

Two - its so good, and so bad at the same time! Sadly, I, like many other women in the world (and some men, I guess) - will miss The Hills now its finished. But the almighty Lo Boswell has her own website. Its a bit of tat, but its fun to go on when you're bored and looking for something to waste your time on!

Three - isn't new, its not big, and its not clever. But I'm back into tweeting in a big way! Follow me for stupidness and boring comments such as : Its night time! (which I haven't ever used, but just might tonight!).

In other news - I'm already planning my Halloween party and I'm currently trying to decide what my new layout on this blog will be - which is why its so plain at the moment.

Listen up - I'm back (for now), and in a typing mood.

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, 31 March 2010

My internet is back, baby... BACK!


Yessss. I have had it back for about 2 weeks to be fair, but just haven't had time to blog recently. Its been a bit of a roller coaster month so far. I don't even know where to begin...

I have been trying to spend as much time with my boyfriend as possible, as the unthinkable happened the other day - his mum died. It was really awful (still is, obviously), and I just want to make sure I am there for him as much as I can be. The funeral was on Monday so I was with him and his family from 12 until 11:45pm. Not really a great start to the year, what with my grandad dying in January. I am both grateful I have him, and glad I am with him because I don't know how he would even cope without a little bit of Sam-Distraction techniques. :(

Wow, that's a bummer right there. Onto more positive things. I have bought and been trying to play the PS3 Call of Duty, modern warfare 2. Which is horribly addictive but hilariously fun at the same time! Been to the cinema a lot too recently (as part of my amazing distracting skills), and seen Blind Side (worth it, for sure!), Shutter Island (great thriller), Kick Ass (meh) and something else, which I have just forgotten which in my mind means it can't have been that good.

I have also been trying my hardest to do productive things. Well, kind of productive. Keeping up with TV shows (Vampire diaries, True Blood, Caprica) and reading this very addictive book series I found by chance, as well as trying to create some sort of digital art portfolio just for fun (I am... oh, say 1% in so far...) and I have also been trying to clean up my lap top by storing some stuff and just backing it up on an external hard drive. Sounds easy... it ain't. Its a pain in the ass! Grrrr.

I'm quite proud of myself for booking a wedding in this year to do a friends make up, on my own - without my sister as she is on her hols. Thankfully it's a friend, otherwise I would have had to say no.. I'm too scared to do stuff on my own usually. Something I have to try to work on at some point in my life! :P

Its me and my boyfriends one year anniversary on Monday and I am really looking forward to it. I do feel like I have been neglecting my friends due to recent events (although I am sure they understand), and I have made a mental note that after Monday I will make up for it, totally, but this weekend is all about trying to make it as good as it can be without his mum here. She was such a nice person - and its really still bonkers to think she isn't here anymore, so this weekend is my ultimate priority at the moment. Not that I am putting any unneeded pressure on it or anything. Ha! I was trying to sort out a really sweet, romantic present to give him on top of the new bedding and X box controller (so romantic there are sure to be films about it next year), by putting all our old emails into a properly bound and printed book, but so far its proving difficult, especially with the deadline. You see, from January last year until December we pretty much emailed each other every day - and I'm talking epic sized, 7 or 8 paragraphed emails that took about an hour to write. We would talk about everything and anything. Its how we got together in the first place because he was really shy and quiet and I think he was scared to talk to me. (Imagine, little old me!). So here I am, thinking it will be a doddle.... I go on the Internet and get this programme everyone raves about called 'Book smart' -and yeah, it looks simple. Easy. I set about copy and pasting a years worth of emails into this programme. Then design the cover (which looks cool btw), and then I need to edit some pages. STOP PRESS. The programme crashes now every time I open it - so 3-4 hours worth of work, at least, now seems pointless. Grrrr... I am about to attempt it again but I don't think this book will get realised in time for our anniversary! Humph!

On a last note I finished my college course. Pretty much finished what I was making and am confident I can make a skirt from scratch now... at some point I will try to make one i will actually wear!

Well, must try this programme again!

Toodles all!




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