Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pottermore AGAIN! And other mindless points.

Hi all!

Yesterday was my first day back at work and it made me realise... how much I hate it there. But, you know, I've pretty much been saying that for the past 5 years. So.... yeah! I'll just have to stick with it for now, and stop thinking I'll ever find a job which will fulfil me... right now. Because, you know. I'm working on getting into my dream career of becoming a writer, so I shouldn't really sweat it, right? Please say yes!

I had a really good 2 weeks off, and have now booked another 2 weeks off in the first 2 weeks of November, because I basically forgot to take any holidays this year and was left with 5 weeks to take before the end of the year! I now have 3 weeks left, so I will be using them for Christmas (got the whole festive period off) and maybe some days in between it all! Woop woop! :P

I finally got my pottermore email - which to those NOT in the know, is the new official Harry Potter website, where you can basically go through all the different scenes in the book on the Internet and find out little tidbits on characters etc. and things that never made it into the story but JK Rowling wrote anyway - for the fans it's a pretty nice perk, and they let 1 million people have early access for Beta testing before the official open date of the 1st of October. In my case, there wasn't any point in doing it because I only just got in and it's October on Saturday (more on that in a second) so, bah! it was fun trying to get in early never the less, so who cares? Only problem is I have hit one of the errors on the site and now I'm stuck in Diagon alley with no money so I can't buy the things I need to move onto the next stages! Humph!

So, yes, it's October the 1st on Saturday. Now, I'm sure you ALL know that I love October. I love it so much it's untrue. It's just MY season. And Halloween! What's not to love? But on Saturday I'm officially starting my 2nd year of Open Uni, and will be studying 'Reading and Studying Literature' and 'Creative Writing'. I'm excited and scared that I may have taken on too much, but not to be outdone by myself I'm pushing myself even further.

My boyfriend and I have set up a website... I can't tell you what it's about at the moment, it's a working progress and just meant to be fun. So we are working on that this month and going 'live' on Halloween... and no, it's not a Halloween themed site, even though that is what I should be doing! I was also going to try to partake in NaNoWriMo this year. Which is National Novel Writing Month, and it takes place over the month of November. I figured it might slot in with my creative writing course... we will see. I have already thought of what I'm going to be writing about so I just need to keep that in my head for the next month and come November I have 1 month to write 50,000 words! Not too much, right?

Whoever said I start too many tasks and never finished them will soon be proven wrong (but more than likely right!).

Anyway, I'll be off, this was just a wordy blog before more pictures of ooey gooey cakes. Which will follow later this week/ weekend!

Take care!



Unknown said...

I just got into Pottermore too. Sorry to hear about your error.

Helena said...

Sam - please send me a link once the website's running. I've got itchy vibes about it already.

Stick with your dream and passion for creative writing. I found mine again after many, many moons (and nappy changes!). Mine is purely for fun and personal enjoyment, but you really could achieve a HUGE something from it!

Braden Matt said...

Why hello Sam. Long time, huh? I disappeared for a little while being caught up in the depths of my imagination and the every day doing of the "real" world, but never to forget about your blog. Definitely chase this dream of writing down. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. It's great!
Also, if you'd like a print of the painting that I did with the mushrooms, let me know and I can send you one. I have a couple left (but you're gonna have to send some of that cheesecake brownie pie). :)

One more thing, are you on facebook? I'd like to keep up with your stuff (if that not too weird). It's my only connection to the outside world. Cheers!


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