Sunday 18 September 2011

Shhh, don't tell my hairdresser!

I had a keratin hair treatment yesterday - can't wash my hair for 36 hours or get it wet at all... so of course it's rain central here.

My hairdresser said to me 'You're not doing anything this weekend are you? Because you can't get your hair wet, AT ALL'.

Of course, being a woman - true to my word and sweet as candy, replied 'Nope, nothing planned'.

BUT I LIED! Haha. I know, there was no reason TO lie, I mean, what does she care? She gets my money, I get my nice smooth hair, and I didn't get it wet! I might have slightly sweated on the dance floor of a club and gotten it a little... damp, shall we say? But I made sure it didn't get wet at all! But I feel so guilty, like I've been a bad girl! Oh well.

I hit up the Karaoke booth in Manchester last night, singing an array of songs, from Dolly Parton's 'Joelene' (Which I sing like a pro!) to Will Smith's 'Wild, Wild West'. Oh, and lets not forget a little bit of 'river deep, mountain high'. That's always a winner! It was fun. There's nothing better than singing karaoke in a booth with only your friends to watch and listen, because I don't think I could do it in front of a crowd of people... eekers!

This was literally just a random blog about randomness... but if you stop by feel free to tell me if you've been keratin-ised, and what you thought, and also, what is your go to karaoke song? :)




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