Wednesday 14 September 2011

Keratin hair treatments, autumn and the blues

I got the blues. Because it's September. I always have the blues in September. Unfortunately, these blues don't leave me playing my harmonica in a smoky bar, drinking whisky. Oh my god, if they did I probably wouldn't mind! But no. Blues in September are rubbish. The only thing keeping me going is this beautiful autumn that's already started.

I have 2 weeks off work at the moment (which isn't long enough, but I have 5 more weeks of holidays to take this year, so I can't complain too much). So I decided not to let the September Blues get me down. No! I'm going to take this time to beat the funk... I mean the blues. I have set up meetings with friends, set up hair appointments (Getting a Keratin hair treatment on Friday and can't wait) and arranged to bake a lot of goodies with my boyfriend, whilst ticking off lots of films we missed this year. So all will be ok.

I feel bad because I have been so down about nothing in particular, and when I'm with my fella I feel like I'm putting it all on him, and he thinks it's him who's making me feel down and out, but it's not. I really can't wait for this month to be over! Gah! It's messing with my life!

On a better note, I am moving up in the world. My sister is moving into her own house with her boyfriend. How is this good for me, you ask? Well. ever since forever I have shared a room. I know. not only do I depressingly still live at home, but I share a room with one of my sisters. It's not so bad, we get on most of the time, but... well, I'm 26 and need my own space, you know? I have lots of belongings. And I don't mean, furniture, or clothes. Because that's just silly. No. I have a TON of books and DVD's. And I need somewhere to put them. I am almost at breaking point with my stuff because I don't want to throw things out, but I need more room, so this has all happened at rather the best time. She should be in her new place in about 8 weeks. So for 8 weeks I just have to live out of half a room and be ok with it. And then, when those 8 weeks are up, I can ask my dad to  help me pay to decorate my room - get a double bed. Paint the walls. Rip out my wardrobes and get a chest of drawers (I hate wardrobes. I just can't stand them). Set up new book shelves... all that jazz. I'm super excited! This will at least keep me going until me and my boyfriend find our own place and move out. Which we wanted to be this year, but finances are looking worse than we ever imagined, so hopefully next year. But who knows.

See, I'm in such a funk I can't even be optimistic about moving out. Gosh!

Well, I have to go get ready. I'm going to pump myself full of adrenaline and feel good endorphins by hitting my local Zumba class. I hope it is good. I've heard it's fun, but I want a work out, not a dance party! We will see!

Funny blogs up soon, I promise. I'll be baking tomorrow and I promise to take photos.

Also, blog to come about photography stuff.

Peace out!


1 comments: said...

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