Monday 16 May 2011

I wish I could get my head around THOR!


I was trying to think of something to blog about, as I haven't really had any idea's of late and decided that today, no matter what, I would write a blog. Mostly due to the fact that I have to start my final assignment and I'm trying to put it off... but also, I really do feel blogging helps me get my creative juices flowing!

Anywho, THOR! The big question on everybody's lips. But not really.

I haven't seen the movie yet, so this is just my ramblings of my confusion and ultimate annoyance of the world of Thor. You see, it really bugs me.

I had never seen Iron man 2, or even the 2nd hulk movie, as I didn't like Iron Man the first, and I was never a HUGE Hulk fan (see what I did there, because the hulk is huge... no? Oh, forget it). But my boyfriend really wanted to watch the Marvel movies from the start, as they are all connected blah blah blah. So I agreed I would do it, because I love super hero movies (oh, here we go, this is going to be a looong blog, sorry!). So we watched Iron Man the first, and I have to say, I did enjoy it more the 2nd time around, even though I still think the first half is way too long, and Tony Stark is a douche! That, however, is besides the point. We then watched The Incredible Hulk. The one with Ed Norton - which everyone thinks is better than the first one with Eric Bana, but I'm just not down with that! The one with Ed Norton is so much worse. I could go into why, but I don't want this blog to take up 5 hours of anyone's life! Moving on, we then watched Iron Man 2 just last night and I really really liked it. So much better than the 1st one by miles! But, well... this is where my heart and brain duke it out, because the next film to see in this little rush up to the Avengers movie (you know, once Captain America has been released and the new Spiderman... and X-men first class... damn they really are making a huge franchise, aren't they?), the next movie is Thor. And my heart wants to see it very much - I love all things myth related, and I love Christopher Hemsworth (Hello! Kim from home and away!) but my head screams NOOOOO!!!! because this is where the whole Marvel Universe busts wide open and just seems... unrealistic? I know its silly to say, but when you think about all of the other super heroes Marvel have to offer they could all be real - chemical accidents and spider bites could all be real.... kind of... but, well... a God? And the Norse God of Thunder, no less... working side by side with mutants and science experiments... it just seems mental. To bring a 'higher power' into a world of humans 'just trying to do the right thing' really bothers me. I can't explain it very well... Ah! Nay bother eh?

I don't know why I take it so seriously anyway. It's not like any of this is real... right? And who goes to the cinema to watch a story unfold? Surely we all just go to stare at the bulging biceps?

Yeah! That's what I thought! :)




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