Thursday 5 May 2011

Haters gon' hate!

I have such a bad habit of being negative towards people, but eh, what you gonna do?

I realised this when I saw Peter Andre on TV... again. My first thought was 'Why in God's name are you STILL on TV?' I guess it's easy to blame the stupid person who whores themselves out because they are in need of CONSTANT attention. But we should just stop and think about the idiotic TV people who decided to offer people like him TV shows in the first place. Because I'll be honest. If ITV2 said to me 'Hey! You! Here, have a TV show. We'll pay you £100k', I'd first say something like... 'WHY?' and then about 5 seconds later I know I'd say yes. Because if someone offers you money to be stupid, you're gonna do it. Even though I don't want to be famous in the slightest, it would be hard to turn down, so I can get why the people who are desperate to be famous would say yes yes yes to everything!

I really want to learn to put to practise the saying 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.'

But it's increasingly hard to let ridiculas people get away without a stern word!

God, this is a boring blog... what can make it better?


Random Picture Moment:

I want to sleep here... I think...part of me would love it. Part of me would be terrified... hello! Jaws 2 (was it??)

Well, I'll try to think of something to blog about that won't be as dull as my recent ones!

Laters Y'all!



Helena said...

Too true. Mind you, if it got me a bedroom like the one in your picture I'd say yes to (mostly) anything!

Dynamic Deborah said...

where is this?

Scumbag Sam said...

Oh god, I don't know where this is anymore... probably Dubai I would imagine! what with the insane architecture etc, I couldn't picture this place anywhere other than! Makes me want to sleep in there and NEVER sleep in there all at the same time! haha!

Dynamic Deborah said...

i just absolutely love your blog!


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