Monday 31 January 2011

In the midst of procrastination


I was supposed to be writing my assignment today. And that's what I did. Kind of. I still have to finish it up but this was one of the toughest ones yet. I was writing, or AM writing, about the tradition of the string quartet for a particular composer. It's tough, but I chose it because... well... with things like the arts you can throw in technical words and build sentences around them and appear smarter than you are. Not that I need to sound smarter, but it helps, doesn't it?! :) hehe.

I still have to finish it off, I basically spent 5 hours trying to write a crappy draft which makes no sense and has no flow to it. So I will be spending Wednesday trying desperately to make it better, and then Thursday will be editing day. Yeay!

Anyway, I was going to write about procrastination. Which is one of my favorite past times. It's true. I am so good at it. I was starting this entry and then remembered I had to look up upcoming films for me and my friend to see. So I started doing that. And then after I had done that I realised I was going to write this. It's not even something I do intentionally, it's just my natural state is to procrastinate. Ooh, poetic.

So my procrastination project today was writing. Sometimes its TV, sometimes music, and sometimes writing. My assignment is supposed to be 1200 words. Not that long, but its hard to hit your points and keep them clear with restrictions like that. In the time it took me to write my intro (which turned into my conclusion and was then moved to the bottom of the page), I managed to throw out around 1270 words of a random story I started writing. Which I think could actually go quite well if I continue it. I don't know what it's about, but I was really getting into writing it. So my procrastination might turn into a short story. Which I'm quite happy about, so IN YOUR FACE procrastination God's. Your intervening failed.

Listening to:
Brooke Waggoner - really helpful to write to because her songs are so pretty and ethereal and calming.

Film I watched this weekend:
From Dusk til Dawn. Something I missed out on because I was too young when it came out (I was 11... I like to point out to my boyfriend that he was 17 at the time to make him feel old!). I finally saw it on TV and it was hilariously good!

Picture of the day:
I just found this quite sweet and romantic.
I have just realised these people could be having sex... I didn't see it that way, but if that's what you like... ;)


Helena said...

I love your attitude to your timing and assignments. You're funny and practical and always get there in the end...!

OMG! I haven't seen FDTD in years. I'll keep that in mind, and a space behind the sofa, and try catching it soon!


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