Tuesday 25 January 2011

I don't know what I'm doing!


I just got back from my slimming world group (late, may I add, as I was talked into weighing everyone!), and only lost 1lb this week. Or last week even. Which has bummed me out totally! I know any kind of loss is good, but I was really hoping for 2lbs at the least, as that would have taken me over the half a stone mark in 2 weeks. But I guess I should learn to take a victory no matter how small, even though I hardly ate at all last week because I didn't really have an appetite... humph. Pissed off, but I'll get over it! At least I didn't put weight on!

I am not just going to talk about that though. For today... today I start a new book. And I'm quite excited about that. I have been mourning the end of the last book I read for about a week. I was really gutted it ended (it wasn't just one book, it was the last of a series), so I was all sad about not reading about the characters anymore. But after some self reflection, I have come out of the other end of the depression with a new lease of life and a new book in my hand from the pile of books I got for Christmas.

This weeks book is The Strain, by Guillermo del Toro (writer and director of films such as Pan's labyrinth and Hellboy II). I was really looking forward to getting this book when it first came out and am really peeved I didn't make the effort to get it from waterstones in Manchester, as he was doing a signing, but oh well. At least I have it now, and can get on with reading it. I don't know much about it, but it seems like it will be a thriller, mystery with vampires? I didn't want to Google it and ruin it for myself, so I am going in blind. I can't wait.

I have recently been to the cinema and also watched a couple of DVD's! (me? watch films...? well that almost never happens... not!).

I saw The Dilemma - which was ok and kind of funny, but not as hilarious as I would have liked.

I saw Black Swan - which was great. Sad, depressing, a little scary and rude. But pure brilliance and so clever and captivating.

I also watched Dog Soldiers on DVD, as it was £3 and my dad said it was quite good so I bought it. It was ok. Werewolves were scary as hell but the film was hilarious as it was so... strange. You'd think werewolves would make people scream... lots of screaming in the film... people being scared and confused.... but there was none of that. Which was odd, but made it even more amusing! And for such a small budget film it was pretty incredible!

I think that's all from me. I don't have anything to say that's slightly entertaining etc. So live long and prosper, and if I see you in a dark alleyway any time soon, I'll be sure to drain your blood and leave you for dead... wait... did I say that out loud? Too many vampire stories for me!


Picture of the day
GOT to try this makeup! Natalie Portman = girl crush. There, I said it.


Helena said...

I'm going to see Black Swan in a few days' time. It looks as fab as you sound!

I know you like getting stuck in to a book and I daresay The Strain will be fab. Pan's Labyrinth is one of my favourite films.

I know how it feels when weight doesn't shift - it's a bastard - but you've taken the right attitude towards it. Success will aspire!


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