Monday 10 January 2011

Books and Tv - the things that shape my life!

Oh yeah!

It's Monday -and unlike most people, I look forward to Monday's because I don't work 'em! I have the pleasure (although the pain of a crap wage) of being part time at the moment; so as I can do my uni work. And Monday's offer me a lie in, and a chance to prepare for Tuesday. So Tuesdays are now my Monday's - but it still makes me feel great!

On to bigger and better things. There is nothing I like more than books and TV. At the moment there are a lot of tv shows which have been born of book series first and there is always that question - should you read the book before watching the show? Now, I am a huge reader (you should see how many books I got for Christmas!) and often will read something before its released onto the big OR small screen, however I hate jumping on band wagons and so will never read a book series if I have already started watching the show. Just one of my many stupid character traits!

I am hooked on many shows at the moment. Mostly fantasy drama's - and if it has vampires in it and its American (I loath British supernatural dramas as much as I loath period dramas from any continent) then I'm there! At the moment I am watching a few things (thanks to my family listening to my rants and buying me a load of boxsets for Christmas) - Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Doll House among other things, like Glee and 90210 (what? A girl gotta watch her teens!!), and I think people think I watch it for the fella's. And sure, the guys are all quite attractive, but the girls are equally attractive and I think that's part of the allure. I like looking at attractive women as much as men (ok, not as much as, but you get what I mean). Pretty girls will always make a tv show watchable, which is not sad but totally true. I know it's not a huge epiphany but it's not supposed to be :)

As for books - I read teen fiction -there, I said it. I read Twilight years ago (before the films thank you very much! <--- annoying trait #1 exposed), and I am in the middle of a couple of series which no one I know reads and that's the way I want it to stay. You see, much like my annoying trait #1 where I like to read things before they become a massive movie success - I have an annoying trait #2; I like to read book series and not tell anyone about them so that they don't start reading them and start liking them and start talking about them. I'm a book hoarder. And I know, if I like a book I should want others to like it too, so we can talk about it and the author will get more money etc. But... I just don't work like that. No one else is allowed to know the characters. No one else is allowed to know about these worlds I find. I really can't help it. Gosh... I could never join a book club, it would drive me mental!

Well -that concludes my rant about TV and books. I was inspired by the pile of Christmas gifts in front of me! :)

Happy Monday everyone!


Picture of the Day:


Helena said...

I like your style! Keep it zipped - that's probably what I'd do, too.

I'm not into the younger vampire shows (although some of the effects look fabulous!) as when you get to my age you start watching crap murder shows (The Mentalist in particular as Simon Baker's f*****g lush..!) which is more age acceptable. But I have to agree, I find female vampires more attractive. In fact I can't think of any Drac I've fancied.

Honour your telly and leaf your pages well! I'd be bloody lost without mine..!!

Unknown said...

I understand what you mean about the keeping it to yourself. I'm EXACTLY that way with food. If I find something tasty I just don't want to "share" it. I think it's because it's more my own if I don't tell anyone how great it is. I'm trying not to be like that though that way others can enjoy it too. It's like my own little secret. With books and movies I just have to tell everyone though.

Kait said...

I've just now read this post for some reason.

I'm addicted to teen shows... I can't help myself. But I won't be greedy[ha!], I'll share.

ABC Family is my weakness. Do you get ABC Family there?
Anyway, I'm in love with almost every show on that channel.
-Pretty Little Liars
-The Lying Game
-Switched At Birth
-Make It Or Break It
I love them all.

Also, if you're into The Vampire Diaries[which I've always wanted to watch but never have] you should check out The Secret Circle. It's based on a books series by the same author & it's sooooo good.


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