Tuesday 23 November 2010

Welcome back to Sunnydale High!?

Ill again. I have a sickness bug - which usually renders people sick, i.e vomiting, but not I. I just sit here with the sick feeling, and never reach the final stage of actually being sick, which I think would make me feel better.
It all started with violent shaking last week, and has since progressed into painful stomach aches and feelings of sickness and dizziness. JOY!
On a totally different note. I found this website today:
I don't know about you, but I have always wanted an adult sized baby grow. And now, here some are... I'm tempted to purchase, even though its overseas... hmmm. I think I'll have to think about it!

On a bigger news scale it seems is being taken to the big screen again (...can we say again when the 1st movie never really went BIG?), but without Joss Whedon to take the reigns.... could it really be done justice? Should it even be attempted? I don't think so. I mean, you don't need more Buffy - there were 7 seasons, which meant 144 episodes... if you really have a hankering to get back into that universe, just re-watch, like me, don't remake. You're only gonna piss off all the fans! Mental! I can see no hope.

Although, if they did make it, you know I'd be first in line to see it, but that's not to say I don't wish J'Whedon were involved!




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