Wednesday 7 January 2009

Piano (wo)man


I really am itching to start learning to play the piano, but I know as soon as I do start I will want to give up because I am no good. I have this strange thinking. You know when people are just genuinely good at something. A natural? Well, I am pretty sure everyone has that in them. Something they are really good at, straight away. I want mine to be piano. But I doubt it will be, and when I figure this out, I will want to quit. No No No. I must not, I will prevail!

I have several news worthy items to share with the masses. (Although, when I say several, I mean a couple. I will tell you a million times, I never exaggerate). The first is... trumpets please- the new blog is ready to go. It was what I was planning on doing anyway, but I did the first post the other day to see what I thought of it. I changed the layout and name (I'd 'Ere is no longer my number one choice, so its changed to something I find more fitting at this moment in time) - I still might change the layout though. I am having a hard time getting comfortable with it.... *sigh* Its dullsville right now, but I do want to get it kinda cool looking...

Secondly, I am SO happy about this, and I can't believe I didn't know about these before, but there are stories AFTER Labyrinth.
Labyrinth is my all time favorite film. I used to love it as a kid, and now, I still do. I have the soundtrack - I have even painted a labyrinth canvas.. ok ok, so I started it 4 years ago and never finished it, but still!

Return to Labyrinth is a Manga based graphic novel (I refuse the term 'comic' on this one occasion) about - yes, you guessed it- life after the Labyrinth, when Sarah went home, and foolishly left Jareth; the king who promised her the sky and world and all that was in it... I am going to somehow find out where to buy these from, and get them. I love Jareth. Its sick, and wrong. But, well, he whisked Sarah away from everything.. its eerily *romantic* to me. I like that. (OH GOOD GOD. I just clicked off this page by mistake. Thank you Auto Save!)

Drat. I am sure I had something else to write, but alas, its gone. I guess that's just that then. Well. Interesting information of the day, sponsored by Wiki:

Grrr... when will my memory come back?, yeah, its Sam


Gareth said...

Did I ever tell you I do an amazing impression of David Bowie? Well actually that's not true. I do an impression of my friend Dan doing an impression of my friend Will doing an impression David Bowie. But it's still damme good none the less. And yeah, Goblins kidnapping underage girls is romantic I guess...

Maybe not.

Good luck with the pia-pia-piano piano piano. I'm sure you'll be fab. I also haven't said the word fab since I was about six years old so feel honoured sister.

Scumbag Sam said...

You DO realised you now owe me an impersination? somehow... haha. I sometimes do good singing impressions, but only sometimes. I am in awe of his amazingness in the film!

thanks for the luck, i will keep that close, just incase I need it - I also love that you just said Fab... its all about bringing the old favorites out of retirement!

Christian H said...

Times Scumbag did not exaggerate: when she said "news-worthy"; when she said "masses."

It also looks like I am sarcastic today. Sorry. I've been reading way too much QC. I've become Faye, only male. (Now you HAVE to read it to know.) I feel vindicative. I cannot WAIT to tell my housemates that I am going to read gay erotica at the library (for homework, but telling that will not provoke the same reactions).

Christian H said...

OK, I really hope you weren't offended by my sarcasm. I forgot that you don't actually live with me/hang out at my place so often I forget you don't, and therefore you aren't used to my sporadic and vicious insults that are entirely well meant but maybe too close for comfort.

Maybe you should read my post to see what I mean. I actually do live the above life, but just realized it looks like a QC comic, and I cannot get QC out of my head.

And obviously you can reject this comment. I just couldn't come up with another way of saying I didn't mean to be mean.

Scumbag Sam said...

haha, you do make me laugh- and thats not sarcasm. My computer is doing this weird thing today where it makes everything I write sound sarcastic, and even when I try to explain, I sound sarcastic... but I am not being. When I AM being, I will try to highlight it somehow. Maybe from now on sarcasm will be written in a nice shade of purple... hmmm....;P

I didn't really think you were being mean, infact, I was quite happy I was compared to a comic thing. It means I must be a little bit funny/ crazy/ cartoon like, in a 2d kind of way. which is what I aim for in my general life.

I hope the gay erotica goes well for you, Male-way-Faye (you know I am gonna get addicted to QC! grr)- just for payback, I have published your mumbling, ranting excuse for the "masses" to read! tralala!

*to really add to the effect of this reply, you must imagine me skipping off in an oh-so-insane way!*

Christian H said...

Apparently there was once an irony punctuation mark. It was similar-looking to the rhetorical question mark (which is a backwards regular question mark). That might be a useful piece of typography to have again.

It took me some time to come back here and actually see if that's the revenge you mentioned. I thought you might do it. Short of a witty return, that's the best thing I could think of.


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