Thursday 22 January 2009

Eyes on Fire

I am always complaining about time. To everyone really... I think I am going to stop. Really, I do. Just because it doesn't save me any time doing it, in fact, I waste more time talking about it... so NO MORE!
This past week I have been trying to focus on arty stuff - getting my CV sorted (which by the way took hours, but I will go into that in more detail in a sec) - and trying to finish/come up with some good pictures to send off to this games company as examples of my work. Its hard work. I don't think I have ever really finished a picture in my life. Even when I was doing art in A Level I am pretty sure I always left a little bit not finished. Do I have a fear of finishing things? Maybe I do... because if I finish it and its crap I have no excuse, but I guess if I don't finish it and its crap I can at least say 'its not finished'... that's a sad fact I have just learnt about myself. *insert self examination and realisation here.
The CV! Pah! When my friends have told me they "spent a good few hours sorting it out", I thought they were being dramatic. I haven't done a CV in years - so I had obviously forgotten the perils of launching into the world of Curriculum Vitae (that IS what it stand for, isnt it? hahaha)... so, to cut a long story short. I spent roughtly 3 hours working on it. Trying to remember dates of employement and dates of education - plus the menacing task of having to write about myself, my skills and qualification. Sure, I can write about myself forever, I don't really have a problem with that. Its the skills part. I don't know what kind of skills they want me to say... I can do the pen flipping thing, over the thumb and catch it.. does that count? probably not, but people are usually impressed....
Onwards and upwards I struggle - my aim is to finish some pictures, and my CV and get it send off to this job this weekend!
As I am in the arting mood (yeah that's a word) - here is a girl I heard about today, apparently she was on a Child Genius programme last night..
Her name is Akiane - American kid who is 13 years old and has been producing painting like this: (sorry, picture thing wasnt woy-king)
since she was about 7 years old... I think she is amazing.. and I am so jealous. I mean, I am jealous of most adult artists for doing something I wish I could do... but this is a kid. Damn it...
What really annoys me though, is that she has this whole Oprah (the colour purple.. eh? eh? I know, I am good!) thing going on (sorry if this offends anyone but...) - the whole "God gave me this gift to help people" thing that some American kids harp on about... again, I hate to think I am offending people when I say this but... NO British kid would EVER say that... if a 13 year old British kid could do what she does, when asked the question 'how did you become such an amazing artist?' they would reply 'Errrrrr... I dunno... um... ' and then hide behind their mum/dad...(I am imagining a brummie kid saying that for some reason), that may sound anti-American, but its not. I love America and the people! :P
Anyway, to stop digging myself into more of a pickle - Its almost OceanFest... well, it is in June... and I really kinda, really want to go.. only thing is. I hate sand. Dammit!
Keep on truckin!


MD said...

Ah, skills. That's the bit of the cv that changes.

For everything but skills (better called "other information") you put basic facts like job title, company and dates. Then you have a generic cv. The skills section then looks uncannily like the job description for the job you're applying for.

I've gone all patronising and boring in my old age, sorry.

I hope you get the job, it sounds fab.

Scumbag Sam said...

haha - thats what I have pretty much done in the 'skills' section... which I feel is kind of cheating... just putting what you want them to hear, but I guess, thats life. I am usually good at the lying part - I think I am good at interviews because I know how to lie convincingly about things that I am good at.. but in writing it makes me feel like a dirty.. well.. scumbag! :O

MD said...

It is cheating, but everyone cheats the same way so it's ok.
It does feel completely unnatural to write "I am really good at X and my knowledge of Y is fantastic and basically I'm great, I am" which is pretty much what you have to do.

Should be a knock out thing, like the apprentice except not on tv. Application forms and interviews are all about the art of omission and exaggeration. Gah.


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