Thursday 18 December 2008

Fa La La La La La La La


Goodness me, its almost that day, and I am hardly ready. Although, I finish work for 2 weeks tomorrow (much to the annoyance of my hard working colleagues), I still don't feel as much of the Christmas cheer as I should do. I am going to be working hard on that for the next few days.

Tonight I went to a Christmas carol sing-along thingymagig at the Bridge water in Manchester, it was hilarious. An orchestra, a singer and a book full of the song lyrics. Genius. I sang operatic style for the most of it, and then had to stop when my sister started glaring at me. She even stopped singing herself, at one point, saying 'I am not singing anymore, you are being ridiculous'. Well, honestly! I am sure she just wanted to stop so she could hear me better. I know her game!!

Its getting socially claustrophobic at the moment. I am not good with commitments and future plans - but ALL this next coming week I have plans to do things with people. Grrrr. I want to rest for a bit, I am still fighting off the cold/sickness bug thats going around. No no, don't worry, I haven't actually HAD it, but everyone else has, and i just know I am next. I keep telling myself that I have had the flu jab so I cant get ill anymore. Its the power of positive thinking and so far (fingers crossed, touch wood...), its working a treat! I will allow my body its deserved break from good health in the first week of January. Its only fair!

I don't have time to blog that much this coming week. I really want to, all the time. But I can't! Sucks! I am trying to keep up with everyone else's blogs too. Oh the things we do for our Internet obsessions. *sigh*

Its time to be serious now (come on everyone, rearrange those faces). I think I am a human chameleon (is that how you spell that?!?!?).

It bugs me and makes me paranoid at the best of times. Basically, I am always told that my handwriting is just like everyone elses. And I mean that. EVERYONE elses. Depending on who I am sat with, or talking to, my hand writing changes. I don't know if thats normal or not (although probably not). I don't think I have my own hand writing style. I must do, but I will be damned if I know what it looks like. hmmmm. I also find that I get on with ALOT of people. I mean that... A lot. Its not a good personality thing, because I can be a HUGE bitch. But I change, depending on who I am with. Again, normal? I have different groups of friends, and I am different with each of them. Thats why I don't like to mix friends, as I wouldnt know who to be around them all at the same time, aaaaaaannnnd, I get on really well with loads of guys - majority of the time we seem to have LOADS in common, in a spooky way, and humour very similar. But I don't know if it is actually MY humour, or if I am just imitating them...? Do you get what I mean? I think about this alot, and wonder who I actually am sometimes. I know our friends are infulential to who we are, but I don't know if I am actually compatiable with all the people I know, or if I just pretend subconsciously. Yeah - DEAL WITH THAT! :S

Keep on the look out for ***Christmas miracles****, and do at least ONE good deed this weekend.


ps. Twilight tomorrow, yeay!


MD said...

Adapting to be like other people is a good thing, it makes people warm to you and allows you to fit in with anyone. You don't do it on purpose, so it will make you nice to be around. Nobody really knows who they are or there'd be no market for self help books or fortune telling.

You have the muppet Christmas carol too! I LOVE that film. Beaker is my favourite, when Scrooge gives him his scarf and he says "me me?" is the cutest scene in any film ever.

Even I'm busy this week, it makes me dizzy thinking about it. So you should be socialized out, it is your duty so fuddy duddy mummies can live vicariously through your exploits.

Final unrelated point: do you know what a vegetarian vampire is? If you do, please explain.

Scumbag Sam said...

Mama Mia! I could go on and on about the highs and lows of being a vegetarian vamp, but I would bore you! veg vamp lives on animals and not humans. Its the future, but not a lot of vampires like the idea, as its 'against their nature' - WHY CAN'T WE JUST ALL GET ALONG?!

Yeah, muppets christmas carol is amazing! I love it. Best song is When Love is Gone - but they always leave it out of the televised version, AND the DVD version. Good job I have the VHS! phew! I like the little rabbit guy 'Brrrightly shone the moon...that..night.' SO CUTE!

And you have reassured me about my chameleon abilities, many thanks!


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