Wednesday 5 October 2011

Who knew?

Who knew there was so much thought that had to go into trying to launch a website? Well, I'll be honest, I kind of had an small idea but this is turning into a project and a half. I guess I don't mind though - I don't have much riding on this, it was just for fun - if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But I do want it to be a regular stop for some people, on their Internet travels. Ah, we'll see what happens. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated on what's going on.

At the moment, I'm just trying to figure out the layout - the theme is set for now, just a basic template as themes are something you can tweak along the way.

We're also trying to nail down the content - the content for the launch and the future content, and for that I need people to help. But until we go live I can't recruit anyone as it's all hush hush. I think I've only told one of my friends what the site is. She was kind of interested, but, well... she isn't an Internet person so she doesn't really care. I can deal with that though.

This is kind of just a bloggy blog for the time being. I just thought I'd let you know what I've been up to, which is basically panic about Uni. But so far, so good. the 1st week has been a fun one. My English Lit course starts on Saturday (Monday for me, as that's my allotted Uni day) where I will have to start reading Othello. Fun times. My writing course has been going well, just learnt some writing exercises which I have to do every day, but it all makes so much sense. You're supposed to write every day - they say that a musician practises every day, and artist sketches every day, so why wouldn't a writer write, just to practise - find your voice. Yes. I am on this page with them, I love writing - I love typing too, so blogging for me is a way to free up my creative self. I feel like a hippie. I don't know why!

Recently my boyfriend has been introducing me to David Lynch films. I loved the TV show he did, Twin Peaks and have always wanted to watch more of his stuff, and as my boyfriend has a collection of thousands of films (not exaggerated - movies are his life, and hopeful career) and a strong love of the Lynch he has them all on his shelf. So we started. So far I've watched Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart and Lost Highway - my favorite so far being Blue Velvet, but I can't get Lost Highway out of my head. I'm still trying to figure out what it meant. People think he's nuts, but I think he's a genius and we just can't see things on the level he sees them.

I've totally forgotten what else I've been up to - just Zumba'ing around at the gym and trying to keep moving every which way I can, be it a quick stint of yoga, a short run or some weights at home. Although nothing makes me ache more than the wii fit. I don't know why....

This weekends plans are - cinema, of course, to see Drive and The Lion Kind 3D. Well, I saw Jurassic Park at the cinema the other day and feeling all nostalgic for my childhood figured I'd better watch it! I'm also going to TGI Friday's which is my kryptonite. I pray I can keep my cool and resist all the bad food... praying they have a healthy salad on the menu!

I'll be off now - Going to blog again soon though - there's still a cake recipe or 2 to come and a blog about the new TV show Terra Nova, so stay tuned!



Helena said...

David Lynch has the mind of a genius! Hard to fathom out, but what a mind!


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