Sunday 23 October 2011

Plate full!

No, not of food - everyone knows I gave up eating in January (and my size 14 skinny jeans are getting more loose fit as the days go by!).

Plate full with work. Not 'real life' work - no, I try not to think about that - after someones attempts to bully me at work (he failed, and is now on my hit list) and a lot of mathematical calculations (and I can't do maths!), I've switched off from work at the moment, which means my 2 week holiday from it after this week was well planned!

'work' being that stuff I'm trying to do to get on with my life. It's all experimental and fun and I'm excited about all of it. I've had to write a 'to-do' list just now, so that I can stop stressing about what I have to do this week and just get on with it.

The first on the list is - running. I need to start it up again properly. I did 3 miles the other day and it took me 50 minutes. Well... I lie, I ran for a mile and a half which took me about 20 minutes and I pretty much just walked really slowly to songs such as Coldplay and Aqualung (so slow motion!) for the rest. But I want to really get into running for prolonged periods of time. Anyone have any tips on how to break through that barrier of tiredness/ boredom?

The 2nd thing on my list to do is NaNoWriMo - which I've talked about before, and decided I'm going to participate in... probably not a realistic goal, but oh well! It's National Novel Writing Month in November - where the challenge is to write a 50000 word novel in 30 days. You can write whatever you want, it doesn't matter if its not brilliant, it doesn't matter if the plot is thin and not mind blowingly well thought out, the only thing that matters is you write... and you write those god damned 50,000 words before the month is up! And me, being stupid, decided this is the year I'm going to do it (see my profile here and you can watch my progress), so I have my novel in mind (something I thought about a while ago but never did anything with. It's not brilliant, but it's something!) and my pen in my hand. This week I have to write the plot out in my note book, write some profiles for the characters and try to draft up some chapters... scary.

Of course this all comes at the time of the website launch, which will be on the 31st October. Yes, Halloween. I still can't say what the site is all about, but it should be a fun site to share with people, friends, and if people like it that's all that matters. So this week I have to fully OK the layout, and make sure the design is OK and set up the content so it's all done and dusted, and of course, make sure all the links work and the email address is working OK, and the facebook page and twitter page is all set up (even though it's in the early stages, I wanted to get things ticked off the list). So that should be... a lot of work.

And of course - Uni work. I'm working through it all OK, and really enjoyed last weeks book, Othello. This week its The Duchess of Malfi, and we're learning about themes and love and death in Renaissance literature. Cool stuff. But I have my first assignment due in the first week of November.

So yes - a good time to take 2 weeks off work, because I'm going to be damned busy for the next 3 weeks I think!

What am I doing?!



Unknown said...

I'm trying NaNo for the first year this year. I feel like I still have so much to get done before than, and it's getting so close.

Scumbag Sam said...

I know - I'm also writing an assignment for uni so i'm getting a little bogged down, even though it's not yet November!

I'm sure we'll be offering each other words of encouragement in the near future! Good luck! :D


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