Sunday 29 April 2012

That's not ALL I can do.

I always blowg about my uselessness, my writing failures and boring life assessments. But that's not ALL I can do, god-damn. But I suppose I do it so well, why venture away? Why stop when the going can't get any worse?!

So, recently I went to Harrogate. I also recently (as in, when I was there) decided that one day in the near future I really want to move there. So here is a list of my reasons why.

When I want to go to HMV, or any other kind of 'city' shop I have to get the bummy (just came up with this adjective, hollaaaa) train into Manchester (which I Do love) and wander around all over the place like a pinball on speed to try to get to all the shops I need, which are so lovingly placed as far apart as possible, before I need to get the ruddy train home. Harrogate on the other hand... it's all the charm of a small town (with no stresses of city living) with all the best shops right THERE. Now, I must list the shops that are there so you can understand:

Hotel Chocolat (erm, yes please!)
2 (yes 2) cupcake shops!
Top Shop
Dorothy Perkins
River Island
Kath Kidston
Marks and Spencers
WH Smiths

Plus more I've probably forgotten. All one one street!

There are old people as far as the eye can see. I love old people, me. The more old people there are, the less young people there are. Which is perfect! Also, it's also proving very helpful when looking at properties... a very high turn over of houses and flats... strange...

The Greens and Valley Gardens are amazing. Seriously. The gardens are probably the best gardens ever. You can just sit there all day and play with all the dogs that run up to you - because they do. There are a lot of dogs on the run and for someone like myself who loves dogs it's kind of like heaven!

The old houses are amazing - the architecture in general is lovely, and the old stone houses make you feel like you could be back in time. Not this stinking 21st century we've someone stopped our DeLorean in.

The McDonlands is 24 hour for most of the week. Now. I don't often do Maccy D's, but it's my boyfriends most FAVE food... wait... I'm not sure if this is such a good idea. I might have to start a movement to get it closed down.

It's far enough away from Manchester to mean people I know can only come and visit via careful planning and timing. I'm not being mean, I just really love the idea of not having to answer to any one else's plans... at least for a little while. I'm from a big family - I never get time to myself!

The hills are very... hilly. I mean, god damned steep! I'm not kidding. My fitness has come on leaps and bounds in the past year but I couldn't walk up some of the hills without having to stop and catch my breath. It was an embarrasement every time the old people stomped past me without even breaking a sweat! So my fitness would improve much more! haha!

Finally - It's got a blues bar for sobbing out loud! I haven't been, but any town with it's own blues bar has me sold. Now... someone give me money so I can buy a house there! Please?!




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