Tuesday 21 February 2012

Trimming of the fat

Urgh, it just feels like Feb has almost whizzed by. I apologise in advance if this blog is a little... moody... I'm not in the best of spirits today, which is obviously the BEST time to blog! Yes, it's the secret ingredient. I know.

So, I ignored any kind of blogging duty for the past few weeks because, well, I just didn't have anything to blog about. I still don't, but I figured I'd let you all into the inner workings of my brain. You see, I'm trimming the fat off my blog. Yes, it's time. What with Lent starting tomorrow, I feel like I should start with the blog.

I am giving up following blogs I don't actually read anymore. I have them cluttered in my 'to-read-feed', but there are some blogs which I just... meh, just don't really care about anymore, so I'm just gonna get rid!

Not to worry, if you read this, you're probably one I'll be keeping around, but there are just some I have no interaction with, whether it be reading or even commenting. So bye bye, blogging baggage.

I will blog more often soon, don't worry - just been overloaded with life and work and uni work and reading and watching things.



Unknown said...

I definitely need to do that with my reader list as well.


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