Sunday 5 February 2012

I should be reading...

But I'm blogging instead. I love procrastination blogging the best! hehe.

I am supposed to be reading Wuthering Heights. Is is just me, or is it unfathomable? Maybe I'm just not smart enough to 'get' it, but it's unintelligable writing. Classic my ass. If the words made sense I'm sure the story would do better. I can tell there is something of interest in the lines, but the style is just so in direct dissent to what I like to read I'm finding it all a bit of a challenge. I think I'm about 40% done with it... and I really need to finish it by tomorrow... hmmm. We will see how that goes!

I went to the cinema this weekend and watched many a film. These will be blogged about over here (well, how else do I big up my other blog?). 3 films at the cinema and one at my friends house. The 3 at the cinema were Carnage, Young Adult and Man on a Ledge. The one on TV was Timer. I will rate all of these for my own enjoyment! You can't stop me. I also find I am giving really good ratings to things. I am just too nice... but I really enjoy films, so what can I say? I'll have to watch a crap one just so I can show some judgement (where's my DVD copy of Gigli?)

I also ordered some things from Ama... wait, can I say the name of shops on here? Do I get freedom of speech or will I be slapped for advertising? Oh God, the rules. The rules. Well.. I shopped online somewhere that rhymes with Bamazon (thank you Creative Writing course, for helping me with my rhymes). It's a Moleskin Passions book where you can log books you read, write about them, rate them. A book diary if you will. So I have started to fill it in with books I'm reading this year to correlate with my 2012 GoodReads challenge.
Here is one of the pages:

You probably can't make out my scrawl, but it's a pretty cool book! 

Not much else has been going on so I really should get back to reading this Wuthering business!

Heaaathcliffff, it's Caaathhhyyy!




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