Monday 2 January 2012

2012... Oh God, the world... THE WORLD!

Look, don't panic! Don't panic I say! 

Everyone knows the world isn't really going to end this year, don't they? I'm not so sure. Because, you know people don't really believe in the Mayan counting system (well, not average people), or practise the ancient Mayan way of life, yet some 'Mayan Experts' have said that 2012 is the last year for us all. Any I think a lot of people, despite previous comments, might actually believe this in the back of their minds. 

Let's take a look at it, in a realistic point of view. Yes, realistic. That happens here every now and then. You see, the Mayans were good at keeping time. They were the shit. The best. They had a counting system which meant they could be pretty accurate with their dates and times. Never late to a tea party, and always right about when you were supposed to be getting to the airport. (But not really). Basically, they kept a calendar about events that the world would go through (based on their Mayan beliefs) and we are coming up the last part of the calendar so naturally people think this means they didn't foresee us living past December 2012. 

But that's a poor man's version of the truth. Because A. That's based on ancient religions we don't even believe any more and to do so would be ridiculous. Mayan religion is as outdated as Christianity will be in another 100 years or something. (Not religion bashing, but religions have a shelf life and that's just fact.). And 2. Well, if you were employed to write a calendar for the rest of time... wouldn't YOU fob it off so you could go and play a game with your best friend, or have a smooch with your beau under the waterfall. So what would you do? Keep writing a calendar for the rest of your life, doing the same repetitive counting and being 'the time guy' to everyone in world, or would you say 'Hey! Look, the world is going to end in 2012... who's up for garden Jenga?' and get your ass outta there? 

Well, I know what I'd do. But that's just me. And if it makes you feel any better :

"Contemporary scientists have disputed the apocalyptic versions."

And that's from Wikipedia, so we know it's going to be OK

Well, that's all for today - hope the new year is going well for you all. I'm currently doing what I do best and what I continue to do for the rest of time. Put off writing my assignments because it makes me feel bad about myself, and if there's anything I'm good at, it's making myself feel bad so I'm gonna keep at it! 

On a side note the book review blog will be back up and running soon. I'm tying it in with my GoodReads challenge of reading 50 books this year so... Toodles!



Dynamic Deborah said...

although i thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts on the Mayan 2012 calender, I have to disagree that Christianity will die within the nxt 100 yrs or so, realistically that is not too long from now. Think of Buddism, Judism, Islam...they've existed for thousands of yrs and continue to run strong ( and those religions are older than Christianity).
After studying English history and having relatives in England, I understand why the English are not a religious people, but to rule out religion as a whole is quite absurd (with all do respect).
I must admit that if the world were to end nxt December I wouldn't be upset, seems the world is going to shit and frankly most people suck.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with your point of view regarding the Mayan calendar and the fact that a new year does little to motivate any student to work on their soon overdue assignments. Hope you have an awesome day! :)

Scumbag Sam said...

Mr. Anon,

I have no idea who you are but I can honestly say I didn't understand your comment... and didn't appreciate the link - take your adverts elsewhere.

Kait said...

Completely & utterly agree with you.

And who really wants to sit around freaking out about the end of the world?
If it's going to kill us all[it won't] worrying about it won't stop it from happening.

And I am so glad to see you're still blogging, I was worried I wouldn't see
you anymore!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!

Also I tagged you on my blog, if you're interested

Anonymous said...

The world will not end on December 2012. It. Will. Not. Period.

:) Happy new year!

MD said...

I have to say I agree rather with your comments on religion. Religions and their beliefs were all dreamt up in a time when we didn't know answers and so we made sense of the world as best we could. We now have a lot of the answers which is why so many people reject religion - they know the truth about things and find it difficult to believe in something that isn't right.

That's not to say the whole religion is wrong, that God in whatever shape(s) isn't real, but what was recorded in the past is wrong and for some reason it cannot be amended. If religions were more fluid and could adapt and say, ok we thought that then, but we know this now (creation v evolution for example) and they removed the "asking questions is bad and evil" doctrine, then many more people could have faith in the actual existence of God and live according to what matters instead of what someone wrote down a long time ago.


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