Monday 7 November 2011

The Popularity Forum

It makes me giggle to see which of my posts are 'popular' at the moment.

For the past week or so it's been the one entitled 'Let's go back to the 80's, man!'

And I can only assume people click on it by mistake due to the images I have attached. But still, it's had a butt load of views recently (still, viewer count hasn't gone up so I'm not winning subscribers! Come on people, help my ego out!).

The reason I think people have been heading on over this way is because, like many of the things I like, 80's fashion and makeup is going to make a comeback. What? It's not? People are just googling for 80's makeup because it was Halloween? Damn. And I just bought a sequin jacket with shoulder pads and some denim looking bicycle shorts. Wow... that was a strange mixture of clothing. Sorry!

What was I saying? Oh yes - I'm going to be uploading some special effects make up pictures soon. I have the actual silicone pieces, I'm just waiting on my adhesive to arrive. I had to order it this week - thought I had some in the shed. I don't. Bah!
On a plus note - my new makeup brush set arrived at the best time, so now I can try out my new brushes simulating blood and gore. Yesssss!

Right, I'd best get back. I have an assignment to start and a novel to crack on with. Oh... and I need lunch. Spaghetti hoops, here I come!



Helena said...

It's amazing it is, the make up of today's creations! I can't wait to see the gore in all it's glory, Sam! I do like a bit of a gash & co....!


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