Saturday 26 November 2011

Novembeh? Where's this month gone?

No, really! Where has this month gone? Almost December? Damn it.
I haven't blogged for about 3 weeks I don't think - it's not you, it's me. Honest! Well, it is, even if you don't believe me.

What have I been doing all this time? I know that's what you were thinking, whilst weeping into a box of tissues. Well, don't fret, I'm back and should be back properly now November is almost done with - you see, I have been writing a book. Yes, it's true. A whole book. Well, almost. You see I'm 43k words in. I need to get to 50k by the end of November, which will be a piece of cake, but I have a feeling I'm going to be writing more than that. I never was good at pacing myself. I have a large chunk of the story left to tell so I'll be trying to hammer it all down in the next week. I suppose the good thing is I know I'll succeed, but I want to finish this thing so I can put it away in December, not look at it and then in the new year start to edit the hell out of it. Well, not edit the hell out of it, because I won't be changing the story in any way. I'm happy with how it's turned out. I just need to make sure my writing makes sense.

I have this problem where I write things but they don't make sense.... I don't know if you've noticed? haha.

Other things I've been doing this month is lots of Uni work. Didn't get the best grade on my first English Lit essay, but I wasn't expecting to because I fucked up and didn't have a lot of time to edit. I didn't spell check either because I forgot. What can I say? It was a panicked day when I was trying to get it sorted! Not to worry. Start with low expectations, that's my plan. I'll wow them with my next essay... or probably not. I've forgotten how to write them, which is probably quite bad... hmmm.

Today I'm looking forward to baking. I'm making cupcakes because I just bought an icecream scoop to help me with portion control of cake mix... if you bake you'll understand that this is quite a milestone for me! I am also going to practise icing, because I usually don't bother, but I have this rather adorable piping bag and I need to put it to good use. I am also booking a massage. I got a voucher for a massage on my birthday in June and have promptly forgotten to book one ever since, but apparently the voucher runs out after 6 months. Well, if it's too late I'm getting that money back. You can't keep money and not provide a service! gosh!

I have a migraine right now, and have had a mild but continuous one for a while. It's annoying, but I think it's because we have 'artificial sunlight' lights at work and I'm sure they flicker slightly. Anyway, they set my eyes off like nothing else on this planet and I'm suffering. God I  hate that place.

In another news I saw Hanson at the Academy in Manchester on Thursday - they were AMAZING. If you turn your nose up at them because all you know is MmmBop, then you're only ruining it for yourself. I have never heard anyone sing so perfectly in tune in my life. Their harmonies are insane. The crowd was good, a lot of supportive fans and it was nice to see it was only them on stage, no bass player, no additional band to fill the gaps. They really are musically amazing. They all play each others instruments too, which is something you don't often see.

I have just found I am in love with Etsy. And have spent a bit of money on their last night. Some spending was on other people for Christmas, but I did buy myself something which I'll post a picture of once it arrives. I am also going to start making cute aprons and selling them on their I think. But that's a December project.

Speaking of projects - still working on THE VORTEX - it's a slow process, but it's still fun. Drop by.



Unknown said...

Good luck finishing your novel!

Helena said...

Hey Sam! Just to say I will be popping over to your check out your new site soon. Been laid up with a rotten throat infection but Lena service should be back to (ab)normal soon...X


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