Thursday 29 December 2011

It's not big, or clever!

I thought I'd hit you up with a quick blog, this fine Wednesday? No, Thursday night. I can't keep track of the days. I seriously haven't known what day it's been all week. But that's Christmas for you. You don't have to think about it, so it's ok to be flaky and distant.

Yes, yes, I'm aware of my distance with the blog as of late. But things tend to build up. Not that they did, I'm just aware that it happens to other people. Funny, how life happens to some people. It doesn't happen to me, but I like to pretend it does.

Once again we have reached the end of another year. I got a bloody good haul for Christmas presents this year. A Nintendo 3DS, LOADS of books (Huzzah), and some new converse trainers. Which, to me, is like shoe porn. So I was well chuffed when 'Santa' sent them to me. Am I the only one who still makes her parents sign gifts from 'Santa'? Well, it's fun to keep the magic alive if you ask me.

I guess the reason I haven't blogged is mostly because I have been putting off most types of writing since November came and went. After finishing the writing month I gave myself some time off writing. December was going to be the month or finishing my novel, but, well, I've been stuck in a rut. Mostly because I don't know how my story is going to end so I have been stuck in my head, trying to figure it out, rather than writing to get it out. Still, later today I will crack on with a few paragraphs. I promise... I do!

I have to get back to watching some vampire diaries (re-watching season 1!) before I start writing. I call it 'inspiration' because I hate calling it what it truly is, which is 'distraction'. And no, my book ISN'T about vampires, I just like the pretty boys...

Enough of that, you smut-seekers.

I'll most likely do the usual end of year blog later this week, so I hope you all look forward to it. It will be better than this attempt. Pictures, and actual content, rather than brain numbing jibber jabber.





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