Saturday 5 November 2011

NaNoWriMo - week 1

Apologies to everyone, but this month will pretty much just consist of me either blogging about the wondrous NaNoWriMo or blogging about working on my new website - The Vortex.

So - lets start! :P

NaNoWriMo started this week and so far.. so good. I think... I have hit the word target each day and I think it's going ok. Today I have to get to 8000 and something words, but I'm going to starbucks with my laptop so I'll get a cheeky eggnogg latte and type away, sans internet access which should hopefully help keep the distractacons away! If you click the link up there you go to my user page, which tells you what I'm writing about and how well I'm doing, word wise.
I'm enjoying writing so far. I've never actually attempted to write a full book before, I've always started writing, to note down story ideas or scenes etc. but never actually thought to myself to expand on the story and, perhaps, try to write it. Partly from fear. So here I am. Over 6000 words in, and really enjoying it. I started up a little playlist to get me in the mood over on YouTube - if anyone is interested in listening to said playlist you can click the link :P

I'll keep you posted on how I get on with the rest of the writing though. To be fair, having the 1st 2 weeks of November off work is helpful so I dread the last 2 weeks when I have to go back to work and I'll have to try to fit writing into my every day trials. Hmmm.... we'll see what happens.

As for the website, its a slow start. Got a few articles, links and videos up so show what kind of direction we want to be heading in. I've been trying to get friends involved in looking at it and stuff, but my friends don't generally have the same internet aspirations as me, so they really couldn't give a tiny rats ass. It's fine with me, I just want to try to get it going though - so anyone who ventures past the site, please let me know what you think - what you like and don't like! I want honesty!

In the meantime - when I've not been working on such things, I've been watching New Girl, the Tv show with Zooey Deschanel. And I love it. I like her anyway, but I was worried it would be a bit too 'quirky' and play too much on the fact that she is cute etc. But it's actually so well done, and so well written it doesn't come across as OTT. In my opinion anywho!

Right I have to get going to 'bucks so I can start writing!



Unknown said...

Good luck with NaNo! I just broke 10,000 today. I know I'm going to have less time to write later in the month so I'm trying to get a head start.


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