Sunday 28 September 2008

Autumn and Paris...


I am going to Paris on next Monday, after a short stint in London... Could Autumn get any better? I love it. Its ridiculously becoming my most favorite of seasons. Especially since Autumn first started this year its been way better than the summer weather wise. Blue skies and sun shine, kinda warm, but crisp at the same time. I love this feeling!!!!! And on top of it, I get to go to Paris in Autumn... How super stylish! I can't wait to wander around France looking for my new winter coat. I hope to Zeus that I find a good one. My current winter coat feels way too 2005... What I really need is someone to tell me all the cool, non touristy shops to go to to find nice stuff with reasonable price tags.. if that's not too much to ask! :) It probably is, but I am already expecting to spend waaaay too much whilst I am there. Yippee!

I really do feel like everything has come together these past few weeks. Have read some fantastic books, and currently jumping on the Twilight bandwagon -and loving it. Its stupid. I am actually obsessed and I ain't even half way through... ok, maybe I am.. but still.... Its a brilliant read and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone who likes to read!

Yoga is also something thats on my mind at the moment - since starting to go, I feel a lot more composed, although I kinda wish I was more composed in my life, but I feel as though I carry on arms flaying all over the place, in a not so graceful manner. I suppose you can't change who you are in that sense, or maybe you can, but it wouldn't be true to yourself, so would it be beneficial to try? probably not. Oh, how philosophical! Kind of. I will have to be satisfied being myself for the time being... humph. I wish life was more like a book or something, where you find something you are really good at, that comes so naturally. I thought I would have by now. I am sure everyone has something they are brilliant at, but alas, I haven't succeeded in discovering MY hidden talent. I thought it might be dancing, but I went to a dance class and wasn't so sure. Its not that I couldn't remember steps etc. because I could.. I think its more the people I didn't really warm to. which is a shame. But I doubt I will be going back. I tell you who I always get on with though... Butchers... maybe I should become a butcher... although being vegetarian might not be beneficial to the trade...

Love Autumn, Love Books, and Love Life,




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