Wednesday 16 February 2011

From Sam, with Love.

So, it was Valentines day t'other day. Hope everyone got a card or gift, or roses. If not - it IS a stupid holiday, you're right. You ARE better off without someone..... ok.. OK! Fine. Here are some roses just for you:

Back to business.

I was supposed to blog something last week, but just didn't have the energy or time. I had lots of social things to do (like watch the social network again), and went out for dinner about... oh, 3 times last week... and had a take away (yummy Indian food). But still managed to lose 2 1/2 lbs! I have no clue how as the week before I only lost 1 1/2 lbs and all I ate was fruit and veg. So it seems eating out is actually better for me. Not so good for my bank account though! Sadly.

I am trying to remember what I have actually been up to of late, but can't. I went to the cinema, of course! I saw The Fighter, which was good but not near enough actual fighting in it. But it had some great actors in it, and had a nice story buried in there amongst the drug addict story line.

I also read my little brain off last week. In the past week, maybe just over a week, I have finished 3 books. I am starting a new one today. In such a reading mood its just silly. Today I will be reading the last installment of the Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. Great books about a futuristic world where children have to compete in a barbaric survival game - the last one standing wins and gets to go home. It's really great though and the characters are so vivid - my boyfriend tells me it sounds like The Running Man, starring Arnie - I should really check that out.

In other news, I am going to see True Grit tonight with some pals and in further news my friend who has been in China for the past 8 or 9 months is coming home at the weekend. So lots to prepare for that! I am trying to fit my Uni work into this hectic week, but it's not working too well. So I will have to try to do some 'light' reading in between everything else. On a plus note, I hit my last assignment outta the park and got a really good grade, so that's perked me up some!

I think that's all from me! No pictures of the week or anything as I can't be bothered!

Be back soon!


ps. Lost 11lb's in total. Almost at 1 stone!


Albereez said...

Greeting Sam,

New to blogger, I was browsing around and ran into your site. Just wanted to say I love the layout it has and the style of your writing with all the colors. I will follow, if that's ok :-) I'm a bit of a writer myself.
Keep up with the nice work


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