Well, I suppose I don't need a reason... but anyway. I really wanted to blog about Scientology because I have been reading up on it and, although I don't like to bash 'religions', I just can't get on board with it in the slightest.
I don't like preachy rants (although sometimes I just can't help myself) and everyone is allowed to believe in whatever they want. I honestly do think that. But... I mean... have you ever read about what Scientology really is? Apart from the fact that it was created by a guy who used to write science fiction and was quoted to have said you'd make more money by setting up your own religion it's just plain bananas!
Scientology teaches that all people are immortal.. no, that's the wrong choice of words. I suppose you could say we have immortal souls which drift from body to body as we die - you know, like reincarnation. And it's the scientologists job to learn their true nature. They go through this kind of therapy once they reach a certain stage in the religion called 'auditing' where they are hooked up to a machine and encouraged to remember and relive past experiences which were traumatic or particularly painful - this is supposed to have the effect of freeing themselves of the effects of the past trauma. A purge of the soul, if you will.
Due to this believing all of their followers are old souls constantly being recycled in order to ascertain their true nature, to gain enlightenment, they believe that children should be treated as adults because they are spiritually experienced in mind if not in body (yet)...
I guess it's kind of poetic and spiritual in a way, like most religions are -when you look at the core elements of any religion the main purpose is to offer security and give people faith that there is a greater power etc. And I like the fact that they are trying to understand their purpose. We all are... why they think they can actually achieve it is beyond me. I mean, isn't the not knowing why we're here part of the fun? Once you know, what do you have left? Just life? Bo-ring. I want some mystery, I want to strive to not understand anything because I have a feeling if anyone did understand the universe they'd realise it's just a load of atoms and quarks making whoopie and they'd die of dissapointment.
Wait... I lost my train of thought... oh right. People say it's a cult. And yes. It does seem that way - if you read up on it (I have read quite a bit, but I'm not going to regurgitate it on here) there are some troubling facts that just don't sit right with me. Not only where the religion stemmed from, but the extremes to which people take it. Like many things in this world extremists ruin what should be good in the world and it really makes me sad.
I don't follow any one religion; people always frown at me when I talk about religion because of this; but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate it and it doesn't mean I don't find it really interesting. I love religion and what it does for people but can you really call Scientology a religion just because it has millions of 'followers'... Kim Kardashian has millions of followers on Twitter, but she's not a religious icon. She probably could be, then she could claim tax exemption and never have to pay for anything again... wait a second. Maybe this guy had it right all along... start your own religion... now there's an idea....
Peace out, homies!