Monday 2 February 2009

Tweet Tweet

Damn it - I have succumb to the strangeness of Twitter. I blame MD totally. I still don't actually know what I am doing on it, but I have figured out how to 'reply' to someone... annnnd follow people. Go me.
I am going to give it a couple of weeks, if I am still interested in it, I will keep it. hehe.
I hate joining band wagons, unless there is an actual band on them (because, lets face it, no one parties harder than a band, right?), but I will see what all the fuss is about.
This has to be short, 90210 is about to start. God I love trashy American TV!
For all your twitter needs - click.
For all your other needs - click.
and for a laugh - click.
Peace out Holmes.


Stipey Sullivan said...

I think you'll find that's 'peace out, homez' if you are referring to your *homeys* - or 'home' girls/boys.

However, 'Gadzooks, I do declare, Peace has broken out on the in the ongoing Boar War, Sherlock!' - is also perfectly acceptable.

Scumbag Sam said...

You know it was the second one... its FAR cooler! :P


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